Gwichin' Territorial Park

Park Amenities:

The Gwichin' Territorial Park is best known for its wildlife, limestone cliffs, arctic plant species, Campbell Lake and birding populations. The park is a combination of Boreal Forest and arctic tundra. So, it is safe to say, the conditions are tough. Only the strong plants survive this type of environement like crested wheatgrass, cinqfoil, columbine and purple saxifrage.
The park is the northern limit for some southern plant species like aspen and lowbush cranberry. The park is also the southern limit to plant species like spruce birch. The short summer season leaves a window of three months for many of these plant species to grow.
The Gwichin' Territorial Park is also the most northern territory for Wood Frogs. Some of the wildlife in the park include caribou, bears and wolf. The Bluenose Caribou Herd sometimes frequent the park near Caribou Creek during their migration.
There are four destinations in the park accessed from the Dempster Highway. They are the Vadzaih Van Tshik Campground, the Gwichin' Territorial Campground and Information Centre, the Ehjuu-njik Day Use Park and the Nihtak Day Use Park.
The Gwichin' Territorial Campground Park is situated on the shores of Campbell Lake. Located along the shore of the lake are a series of tenting and camping campsites. Many with picnic tables, fire pits and fantastic views of Campbell Lake.
Some of the activities enjoyed in the park during the summer months include canoeing, fishing, kayaking, boating, birdwatching and picnicking. During the winter, after temperatures drop, the frozen lake is an ice fishing destination.
The territorial park is best known as a campground destination. Some of the amenities in the Gwichin' Territorial Park include picnic tables, fire pits, kitchen shelter, tap water, playground, boat launch and pit toilets. There is no power or sani station in the park.
The park also acts as a day use area, rest stop and picnic site for travelers in the off peak season. During peak season the park may be full with campers and room may be an issue as there are only 15 campsites on site.
Gwichin Park, Inuvik, NWT on the Dempster Highway exploring the Western Arctic, Northwest Territories, Canada.