Hidden Lake Territorial Park

Park Amenities:

Hidden Lake Territorial Park in Yellowknife, N.W.T., Canada is located east of the community of Yellowknife, Northwest Territories on the Ingraham Trail. The Ingraham Trail (gravel road) is a popular recreation highway leading to a vast network of lakes, rivers, waterfalls and boat launches popular for adventure and recreation.
The Hidden Lake Park & Reserve on the Ingraham Trail is a 3000 hectare wilderness park. It is a network of rivers, tributaries, wetlands and lakes scattered across the Canadian Shield (precambrian shield). It is home to wildlife like moose, black bear and wolves.
The Hidden Lake Park was first established in 1987 and, since then, has become a popular destination for fishing, canoeing, birdwatching, hiking and kayaking adventures.
The Hidden Lake Park is best known for its paddle routes and fishing. Hidden Lake paddle and fishing adventures are accessed from the Powder Point boat launch on the Ingraham Trail. Powder Point is located at the 45 kilometre point on the highway and is within the Hidden Lake Territorial Park boundaries.
The boat launch is located on the banks of the Cameron River. There is a large gravel parking lot, some pit toilets, fishing regulations and a detailed paddle route map located onsite.
From the Cameron River boat launch at Powder Point there are three paddle routes including day trips and multi day adventures with portages and wilderness camping. There are no services in the park. All adventures are wilderness adventures. Paddle out what you paddle in and leave no trace behind.
To access Hidden Lake one must first navigate Cameron River and Prelude Lake. The Hidden Lake entire paddle route is about 40 kilometres long and does not have any serious rapids but does include some challenging portages and may encounter strong winds creating white caps with swells.
The hiking trail leading into the Hidden Lake Territorial Park is located at the end of the Cameron Falls Trail ( 2.5 kilometres). The trail to Hidden Lake begins at the north end of the suspension bridge crossing the Cameron River above the falls and viewpoint. The trailhead to the Cameron Falls Trail is also located on the Ingraham Trail at the 48 kilometre mark.
Fishing is another activity enjoyed on the Ingraham Trail. There are many boat launches with access to different lakes on the route. So pick a lake or river and have fun fishing for pickerel, northern pike, arctic grayling and lake trout. A fishing licence is required to fish in the Northwest Territory, Canada.
Explore & Visit Hidden Lake Territorial Park in Yellowknife, N.W.T., Canada