Community Trails

Difficulty: Moderate
Park Amenities:

Community Trails in Faro Yukon Territories,
Robert Campbell Region, Canada
Community Trails within the community of Faro, Yukon Territories are popular for connecting and moving around the community by bike, foot, xc ski, snowshoe and snowmobile. The trails include the Bear, Eagle, Fox, Rabbit and Wolf Trails.
The Bear Trail circles the Village of Faro providing views of the communit, Pelly River and the surrounding valley. The Bear Trail follows along an old gravel road and single track trail. There are sections of the trail hiking through the forest, along a ridge, up hills and through grass fields. The loop route enjoys activities like hiking and mountain biking in the summer months. During the winter the trail becomes a snowmobile route.
The Fox Trail explores the back country hills on the outskirts of the village of Faro. Much of the 2 -3 kilometre route explores a rebuilding forest with some peek-a-boo views of the village. The Fox Trail follows along an old gravel road and multi track trail. There are sections of the trail exploring through a forest and many sections include hills. The recreation route enjoys activities like hiking and mountain biking in the summer months. During the winter the trail becomes a snowmobile route.
The Wolf Trail explores the back country hills and wilderness forests eventually leading to the old Faro Mines. The 9-10 kilometre route leads away from the village. The Wolf Trail follows along an old gravel road and some single track trails. There are long sections of the trail exploring through a forest and there are areas of the trail which involves some uphill hiking. The one way route enjoys activities like hiking and mountain biking in the summer months. During the winter the trail becomes a snowmobile route.
Be aware you are in Bear Country. Always make noise in the wilderness and when confronted by wildlife always give them the right of way. When enjoying the wilderness always prepare for your adventure by dressing in layers and bringing plenty of water.
Community Trails in Faro Yukon Territories, , Robert Campbell Region, Canada