Faro Arboretum

Trail Length: 1.2 kilometre
Difficulty: Easy - Family
Park Amenities:

Arboretum in Faro, Yukon Territories, Robert Campbell Region, Canada
The Faro Arboretum is a botanical park and Campbell Region recreation area in the community of Faro, Yukon Territories, Canada. The area is an interpretive day-use park and recreation trail designed to educate travelers on the wildlife, flora and fauna of the Yukon.
Many of the plants in the Yukon are special to the area because of their tolerance to the short summers and cold winters. The arboretum was designed so to provide an opportunity to study the flora and fauna. The Faro Arboretum identifies the various trees and shrubs special to the Yukon Territories. It is recognized as the most northern arboretum in Canada.
Some of the trees in the park include Quaking Aspen (populus tremuloides), Green Alder (Alnus crispa), Grey Alder (Alnus incana), White Spruce (Picea glauca) and Pacific Willow (Salix lasiandra).
While hiking the recreation trail keep an eye out and see if you can identify some of the shrubs in the arboretum like the Dwarf Blueberry (Vaccinium ceaspitosum), Labrador Tea (Ledum palustre), Kinnikinnick (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi), Highbush Cranberry (Viburnum opulus) and the Buffaloberry (Shepherdia canadensis).
The Faro Arboretum includes a central area and a 1.2 kilometre loop trail. The central picnicking area is next to the gravel parking lot. Located around the gravel parking lot are small grass lawns. Some are flat, most are on a slope. There are picnic tables, pit toilets, a interpretive shelter, sitting benches and many, many interpretive signs. Some signs even talk.
The park is very family friendly. However, please note, the loop trail should be taken with care as there are some tricky sections and there is wildlife in the area.
The hiking trail includes hills in some sections as it leads explorers to a viewpoint. From the viewpoint one can view the village and the surrounding valley. Because there are some steep sections located along the trail there are some resting benches provided along the way.
The Faro Arboretum Trail follows a dirt and gravel path. There are sections of the route with exposed tree roots and loose gravel. Watch your footing, especially coming down a hill.
Be aware you are in Bear Country. Always make noise in the wilderness and when confronted by wildlife always give them the right of way. When enjoying the wilderness always prepare for your adventure by dressing in layers and bringing plenty of water.
Explore the Arboretum in Faro, Yukon Territories, Robert Campbell Region, Canada