Chadden Lake

Difficulty: Easy - Family
Park Amenities:

Chadden Lake
Chadden Lake is a recreation destination located in the community of Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada. The lake is part of a protected Greenbelt Park Reserve which is a top destination for many summer and winter activities when in the Whitehorse region.
The reserve includes and protects Chadburn, Schwatka, Chadden, Ear, the Hidden Lakes, Miles Canyon and Grey Mountain, as well as, a portion of the Yukon River. The Yukon River and the many lakes in the reserve are connected by a series of wagon roads and recreation trails. Throughout the reserve are day use sites, picnic shelters, warming huts, recreation trails, viewpoints and interpretive signs.
The Yukon River and the many lakes in the reserve are all connected together by a series of wagon roads and recreation trails. The activities enjoyed on the trails include hiking, mountain biking and cross country skiing.
Chadden Lake is a destination lake for hiking, fishing and canoeing. There are no services at the lake. There is no drive in access, only hike in access. There is shoreline access for launching a canoeing (no power boats permitted on lake).
Shoreline fishing is possible, however, it is tough as there are many exposed sunken trees - great for snags are losing lures. Good idea to portage in a canoe or row boat from Chadburn Lake (shortest route to lake via trail). Good news is that the lake is stocked every two years with trout.
The lake is accessed via two hiking trails. The 1.5 kilometre stretch of the Blue Trail starting from Chadburn Lake approaches Chadden Lake from the south side. The 7 kilometre Chadden Lake Trail starting from the Hidden Lakes parking lot approaches Chedden Lake from the north side.
The Lakes Trail (Chadden Lake Trail) is one of the better recreation trails in the region. The adventure trail visits with lakes and marshlands. It climbs to the top of rolling hills providing kettle lake views. And may even provide a good opportunity for wildlife sightings of moose, beaver, fox, bear, coyote or otter.
The main Chadden Lake Trail begins from the Hidden Lake Parking Lot. The 7 kilometre single track trail follows along the shores of the Hidden Lakes, climbs up grassy knolls and rocky ridges, explores a pine and aspen forest and provides views of mountain ranges.
When approaching Chadden Lake from the Hidden Lakes area there is a natural rocky outcropping viewpoint with views of the surrounding mountains like the Golden Horne, Mount Sima and Mount McIntyre.
Continue along the same trail from Chadden Lake for another 3-4 kilometres and you will reach Chadburn lake. There is a picnic shelter, canoe cabin, picnic tables, small pebbled beach, gravel parking lot and pit toilets at Chadburn Lake Day Use Area. Good spot for parking a car for one way trips.
How To Get ToChadden Lake
:Travel to the community of Whitehorse on the Alaska Highway in the Yukon Territory, Canada. Near the SS Klondike cross the bridge over the Yukon River and travel on Lewes Boulevard. Continue on Lewes and then take right onto Nisutlin Road. Continue straight until you reach Chadburn Lake Road.
(1)Travel 2 kilometres on Chadburn Lake Road until views of Schwatka Lake appear. Turn left onto gravel road to Hidden