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Arrive in Medicine Hat

Big hugs all around as Bro and I hooked up again in Medicine Hat.  The days are getting longer and hotter – just how we like it.

Base camp in Medicine Hat is at an out of the way lake east of town called Cavan Lake.  Sweet spot. No one is around us as we have a section of the recreation site to ourselves. Although the lack of shade is noticeable.

The lake is a small lake with a few islands. Saw some pelicans but did not have a camera on me at the time. Hmmm.

We spent most of the morning setting up base camp and planning are next few days in the community. In the evening we decided to go a play some golf for our new Alberta Golf section we are researching for our Travel Planning Network.

Bro has not golfed in many years, so I figured it would be a cake walk. We headed off to a par 3 (photo above) as this was our first golfing of the year. Have to get that short game going first.

Cake walk it wasn’t.  Bro came out strong.  He is maybe even a natural.  Definitely there was too much bantering..ha ha.. but I believe it cost me the lead. He had me sweating at the 6th hole when I was only 1 stroke up on him. He was smiling from ear to ear. The bantering continued. In the end we both had a great time. It was a great side tour from work. Well deserved if I may say.

As I sit in the camper writing to you, I laugh as my feet are glowing from where the  tan lines formed from where my socks were. I feel I am truly a Canadian now!

Be well, Be active.

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