On the road again.. exploring and researching Sunset Country in Northwest Ontario. Some, call this region Lake of the Woods Country. What ever we decide to call the region… it is definitely “Float Plane and Canoe Country”! Venture a bit further into the northern wilderness country and the region becomes a , “Fishing and Hunting Lodge ” bonanza.
I am currently in a little cafe on main street Kenora playing catch up on our BLOG EH. My Telus internet stick does not work well here. In fact it has been pretty much useless since leaving Saskatchewan. So I am forced to hunt down internet cafes and libraries. The sun is out and the I hear float planes soaring. Good time to update our travels. Bro is heading east and I am heading west. It is not that we are sick of each other, it is a business decision. Plus I need to find a better golfing partner. Ha ha ha.
My drive to Kenora from Fort Frances enabled me to visit some of the smaller communities along the western highways like Sioux Narrows and Nestor Falls. It enabled me to explore some of the parks in the region as well. I popped into Sioux Narrows Provincial Park and did the research thing. There were some trails there but many were overgrown so I bailed on them for hiking. The park charged $36 bucks a night for power sites! Guess how many campers were camping for such a great bargain? There was a grand total of one camper! Yup, that was it, 1 camper on a Wednesday in the last week of August. Hellooooooo.. maybe parks may want to look into that?
The Rushing River Park was a treat though. It is closer to Kenora. The park had some of the nicest walk-in tenting sites that I have come across while in Ontario. Many of the walk-in tent sites were private and rested on, either, cliffs or grassy knolls. Now that I do not tent as much with the Travel Pod towed behind the jeep.. I felt a bit jilted in a way. For once the tenters have the best campsites in the park. The park is a big destination for canoeing. But.. this is a big but.. it was $36 a night also. I could get a motel room for that?
I pulled into the community of Kenora and decided to plant my base camp in Anicinabe Park. Just happen that the park was having an outdoor jam festival in the main field by the Lake of the Woods. So I got to set up base camp to some classic rock.. actually BTO to be exact.. the song, “Taking Care of Business”. I thought that was appropriate. I worked my way down to the beach and took in the concert. The sunset was on and the sky was turning purple (main photo). Had my groove on too!
Tomorrow I begin over again!