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EH Walk About

Sometimes it is just a good idea to go outside and start walking. No real destination in mind just walk.  That was the spur of the minute plan today for  Bro and I.  The sun was out and the sky was blue. It was a break in the weather that we have waited for so we could do some exploring.

We suited up in some cold weather gear and headed out down the frozen lake for a walk about to check things out. We checked and double checked. We had a camera, coffee and off we went. We thought we remembered everything. Excitement sometimes clouds the memory. Both of us forgot to bring our gloves.. duh eh.

It looked so beautiful outside from inside the warm cottage it just slipped our minds.  Once we got on the lake there was no protection from the winds. Brrrrrrrr set in real quick.  We both looked like Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer in under a few seconds.

Lucky for us we had our new Canada Eh gear on. As you can see in the picture we are pulling a “Vana White” acting out as beautiful models . Yup that is us strutting our gear on a frozen lake  to a crowd of zero.  Well it is good to dream anyway.

If you notice closely the fine work of the toque, the scarves and the vests we are sporting. The gear is courtesy of Ma. Yes, she is a talented and we adore her very much.

Strutting on the lake we came across a cross country skier.  We waved and smiled to her, but our wave upset her rhythm and she almost fell.. ops.  We stopped waving abruptly and just smiled.

Soon later.. zipping by us on our adventure were ski doos. Many slowed down to check us out.. hope they were female. In the distance there were some trailers parked on the lake setting up near their favorite fishing holes. Tis the season for ice fishing.

It was just another day in winter paradise but we had to cut it short. Remember we forget our gloves. It was just a little too cold on the digits so we headed back in.

But a short adventure is better than no adventure I would say.

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