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Rock Gardens

Since the weather is cold, the snow warnings are frequent we have been indoors working long hours on our websites.  The latest news on our work status is that we have updated the Alaska Highway section and completed Fort Nelson, BC.

Now we are working at developing the tourism website. What a rush! New thoughts and new memories. It is like being in the Yukon all over again as we sort through thousands of photos, brochures and pages of notes from our research road trip.

Because we believe the Yukon is under marketed by their tourism association we are going to do a mini series of blogs on our  trip as we build the website.  It is an opportunity to rehash some of the highlights on some of the destinations and activities Bro and I enjoyed on our summer Yukon research trip.

Our travel websites are built by community and activity.  So as we piece together the Yukon website we will post a picture and the story behind it starting with the Rock Gardens located on the Alaska Highway located east of Watson Lake, Yukon Territory.

Funny thing about these rock gardens. While traveling along the Alaska Highway, towards Teslin, the shoulder of the road was covered in word phrases created from white rocks.  There were names of people, communities and sayings.  We read one after another thinking it would be short lived viewing.

Not even close. The shoulder of the highway must of had hundreds of them as the rock phrases extended along the highway for like 10+ kilometres.  The temptation was to great.

Soon later we pulled over the jeeps and campers and began our own rock graden phrase. It was nice out and we felt energetic. It took maybe an hour or two to piece it together but eventually we spelled  out our new upcoming venture – in rocks. We wanted to let the territory know we are coming in a big way.

If ever you happen to be in the Yukon Territory exploring the Alaska Highway near Watson Lake.. look for us. And if you decide to build your own rock graden phrase  be prepared for mosqitoes and biting ants.

When we finished we had a few itchy bites to contend with as we drove off.  As you can see BRO is scratching away in the photo. He got the worst of it. Ah well, all in the line of duty. Plus it was a bounding moment between the Yukon and EH Tourism.

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