Eberlee House (ironically known to us as the EH Base Camp) is now taking shape. We have settled in for the winter, offices are set up, and we have begun to hunker down for some long hard hours developing and building EH Tourism websites. The EH Tourism of websites are our life. It is a dream career with lofty goals that requires hard work. AND we are so up to it!
To make it cozy around here for work on Prince Edward Island, we have had some fun in identifying our arrival by decorating the EH Base Camp with an EH mailbox (main BLOG photo).
Look closely at the mailbox and it says 346 EH on the side indicating our street number with a Canadian twist. Try not to be distracted by the two good looking single men standing behind the mailbox… that is just Bro and I trying to look cool. LOL.
Already we have noticed cars slowing down, people waving at us and some even stopping to take a double look at the mailbox. When we poke our heads outside for a break, who ever is within eye shot (whether jogging by the EH Camp or cutting the grass) waves at us welcoming us to their island.
Even when we are driving to Charlottetown or Montague getting supplies, people in cars are waving at us who I am not sure if we even know. It is easy to see that we stick out as most people here know each other. We are the new kids in town baby and we stick out like sore thumbs!
It is an exciting time for us. All summer we were on the move researching so it is a welcomed change of pace for us settling in at the EH Base Camp.
During our travels we have compiled boxes of information and notes detailing our working tourism tour across Canada. Now it is time to put some of the information to use. We will no way be able to build all the provinces we have researched the past two summers but we sure can put a big dent into the massive project.
Lately, I have been working nights and Bro has been working mornings. We meet about noon or so each day and then get back at it. I pounding computer keys, Bro manipulating computer mouses. No rest for the hard at play.
However, there are exceptions. Every once in awhile we will relax by playing XBox for a few hours. Currently Bro has been kicking my butt in Hockey and is the Stanley Cup Champion… for now that is. I am secretly training in hidding when he is not looking… he he he. Pay back is soon.
The weather plays a big part in our productivity. When the sun is out it is hard to work indoors, but when the rain kicks up a fuss working indoors becomes natural. Myself, I try to research what is left to document on Prince Edward Island on sunny days. Those days are becoming less and less as clouds roll in and temperatures drop. In the short time since we have arrived we have had Hurricane Earl, rain showers and gorgeous sunny days. On one occasion we were blessed with a rainbow.