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East Coast Road Show

Preparing for our trip to Nova Scotia and Newfoundland

During the next 2.5 months we here at the Travel Network will be posting BLOGS while on our annual summer working road trip researching, exploring and collecting information throughout Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, Canada – complimented by a road map of bumps and bruises I am sure. The next series of BLOG posts during the months of July, August and September will be detailing some of our daily adventures, bloopers and highlights during our East Coast swing of Canada.

We will be providing a first hand look into some of the great moments and destinations on the East Coast. There will surely be some amazing photos and stories. Hopefully, one or two of our BLOG posts, will get you excited about visiting this wonderful part of Canada some day.

Prior to our departure we are checking our lists twice, giving our travel trailers some well deserve loving and checking our equipment (Main BLOG Picture).

Buddy the Dog

The East Coast swing visiting the island villages, hamlets, parks, harbours, ocean, beaches, rivers, trails and cliffs will surely provide some great scenery and photo gallery moments that are sure to be burnt deep into our memory banks. The materials we collect and gather during our adventure will be the source for the development of our and websites.

Prior to every adventure the planning intensifies, the goose bumps of excitement grow like a trail of dominoes – one after another. So here’s to hoping that all the adventures fall smoothly, one after the other, not missing one because that could be the one which is monumental.

Nova Scotia and Newfoundland will offer plenty of adventure. Some of the highlights will be the abundance of parks, cliffs, heritage sites, trails, ocean harbours and beaches.

In Nova Scotia we will visit the communities of Yarmouth, Bridgewater, Dartmouth, Halifax, Kingstone, Sydney, Truro and others. Some of the highlights of Nova Scotia that I personally am stoked about is the trip to the Acadian region on Cape Breton Island and in Yarmouth, the deepest tides of the Bay of Fundy and the beaches on the Seacoast Trail on the eastern shore of Nova Scotia.

Newfoundland promises to provide many sights and sounds. Many of which will be while exploring the Avolon, Burin, Port au Port, Baie Verte and Northern Peninsulas on Newfoundland. So many islands, cliffs, seaside roads and villages… who really knows where the adventure will take us. We are looking forward to visiting the pastel buildings of the communities, the ocean parks, monster cliffs and the ageless heritage sites with great anticipation.

The next post will be from Nova Scotia, Canada. How cool is that! Cheers.

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