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Illecillewaet River Rafting w/ Apex Rafting

Illecillewaet River Rafting w/ Apex Rafting

“Apex Rafting in Revelstoke, British Columbia, Canada provided us with a charismatic guide, top notch safety instruction and has been one of our most enjoyable white water river rafting adventures to date. We charged the white water head on, we felt safe the whole trip and we felt like we were river rafting Olympians.”

Exciting times! We are going on our first river rafting adventure of 2014! Our white water adventure takes us down the Illecillewaet River exploring from Albert Canyon Bridge to Greely Creek near Revelstoke, British Columbia, Canada. Our host? Our friends at Apex Rafting. (

White water rafting on the Illecillewaet River

The plan was for a 25 kilometre paddle down the Illecillewaet River. Colin and I were so stoked. We are such big fans of river rafting. The sport of river rafting is suitable for most ages and fitness levels. Little do people understand that rafting is an excellent way to be active, enjoy the outdoors and view wilderness scenery and, possibly some wildlife. There is a river somewhere to paddle for all skill levels.

The morning started with us suiting up in our wet suits (our second skin for the day). We then received some colourful instruction and a warning … “Do not wear cotton under your wet suit.” Great advice! You see cotton absorbs water, does not dry out quickly and can cause rashes. So considering all the negatives, it is safe to say it was great advice. Lucky for us this is not our first rafting rodeo. We knew better.

Our shuttle bus picked us up near the parking lot. During the ride to our river rafting put-in point on the Illecillewaet River we received more instruction complimented with humour once again. It is good to laugh. It loosens up the nerves before the big show.

Ready to Go Bro

By the number of bobble heads on the bus, our float was to include about 30 people or more. Once at the river rafting put-in site we wandered down to the river. Our rafts (chariots) were off loaded and it looked like they were going to be 4 rafts in our flotilla. It was going to be rafting posse.

On the banks of the river we received our final set of instructions covering topics like paddle techniques, raft safety and water safety. Then it was time for the big question, “Who wants to sit at the front of the raft?”

“We do! We do!” Our hands shot up into the air like little kids in a classroom.

Most of you may know, we rarely shy away from adventure. Plus… being that we have been river rafting before we knew the front of the raft gets all the water, gets all the rush and gets all the adrenaline of rafting white water. We like that very much! However… it turns out we had no competition for the front of the boat anyway. No one else raised their hand or hoot and hollered. Maybe we were just suckered in?

White water shower

Our guide was fantastic. He was funny, charming and friendly. Along the slower parts of the river he provided us with some history and geography of the area. Most of the slower parts paddling on the Illecillewaet River are located at the beginning of the adventure. So… it was a good time to educate the crew, introduce ourselves to each other and practise our paddling technique.

Then it was time for some serious white water. I cannot say for sure but there must of been 7 different points on the river where the white water was fantastically chaotic and for long periods of time. It was an awesome way to start the year rafting I’d say! We crashed through waves. We rode roller-coaster rapids. We swallowed up allot of white water. We got very wet. We smiled all the way!

Every time we approached a new set of white water chaos the sight of the white water fuelled us with so much adrenaline it was hard to contain our excitement. Watch the movie attached to this post and you will hear us hooting and hollering the whole way down the river. What can we say, we enjoy living life and not watching it.

Video Google Geek

Being that I wore video goggles (proudly sporting my best adventure geek look) the white water was always in-your-face and all caught on video. Too bad it is not 3D because it would be coming right into your living room. There was so much water splashing into my face every time we charged into the rapids. It was so much fun!

The day was a classic adventure. One to be stored in my memory photo gallery.

Could not of asked for any better of a time. The sun was hot. The river was roaring. The tour was fantastic. The people were laughing. Apex Rafting hit a home run on this day!

Apex Rafting in Revelstoke, British Columbia, Canada provided us with a charismatic guide, top notch safety instruction and has been one of our most enjoyable river rafting adventures to date. We tackled white water head on, we felt safe the whole trip and we felt like we were river rafting Olympians.

The “STARS OF TOURISM” program highlights Canadian accommodations, attractions and adventures the “eh Team” brothers explored during the summer of 2014 in the name of tourism and travel research for their website, blog, social media channels and ehTV (YouTube).

Apex Rafting Company :
Box 1754
Revelstoke, BC
Canada V0E 2S0

Toll Free: 1.888.232.6666
Office: 250.837.6376



The “eh Team” of (eh Canada Travel & Adventure) are the brother team of Greg and Colin Girard. Together they are the brains behind the travel website, blog, social media and ehTV which is the largest and fastest growing booking, planning and researching tourism and travel network for Western and Northern Canada – currently expanding into Eastern and Atlantic Canada.


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