Ghouls, Spirits & 3 Valley Gap Heritage Ghost Town
Attractions, History, Artifacts and Antiques
“I enjoyed my self guided tour of local history and heritage. I do question if it was self guided? I felt, at times, hair spiking up on the back of my neck and arms. Was it a spirit or ghost or was it brain-freeze from my cold drink. Regardless, I never got to test out my “Ghost Buster’ abilities.”
I, half the “eh Team”, recently had an opportunity to visit the 3 Valley Gap Heritage Ghost Town located 20 kilometres (12 mi) west of Revelstoke, British Columbia, Canada. This was my chance to relive a fantasy of being a “Ghost Buster”.
The setting was magical. The skies were blue as I drove to the popular attraction tucked away in Eagle Pass of the Monashee Mountains situated on the shores of the Lake of Three Valleys. The spirits of the late 1800s did not greet me at the door, but Thane did. Thane was our interpreter and source of information. Thane, on my request, filled me in on the history of 3 Valley Gap and Gordon and Ethel Bell.
The 3 Valley Gap Ghost Town is the culmination of many years of hard work by Gordon and Ethel Bell. The Bells spent years collecting artifacts, antiques and heritage buildings throughout British Columbia, Canada for their family business. Some buildings go as far back as the late 1800s.
Gordon and Ethel Bell’s goal was to build a business they could be proud of… plus provide their family security and long term employment. Gordon passed in 2007. But before he left this earth he had accomplished his goal. Today Gordon and Ethel’s 4 children and 12 grandchildren all participate in the operations and maintenance of the 200 room accommodation resort and ghost town attraction.
There are approximately 25 historic buildings spread out over the 3 Valley Gap Ghost Town property in a village-like setting. Some of the buildings included the Golden Wheel Saloon, 1902 Craigellachie School House, 1898 Hotel Bellevue, 1886 St.Stephen Church, Trapper Joe’s Cabin, 1892 C.B. Hume General Merchants, monashee mining Co., barbershop, 1890 jail, buggy shop, blacksmith, Sicamous & White Lake homesteads, and an antique auto museum, as well as, a Railway Roundhouse.
During my visit to 3 Valley Gap Ghost Town I walked the streets, poking my head into every heritage building (sometimes twice). Most interesting, in my eyes, was the C.B. Hume General Merchants, 1898 Hotel Bellevue, Golden Wheel Saloon, the buggy shop, the auto museum and, of course, the Rail Roundhouse.
The Railway Roadhouse is a treat every iron-horse train and history enthusiasts should see. Locomotives, one by one, fill the massive room. There are steam engines, passenger trains and mining cars from years gone by. The 3 Valley Gap Roadhouse is home to the largest turntable in North America! There is also a back shop, coach repair shop and a pattern shop under the same roof.
The Railway Roundhouse is where I met “Curly” – a coal-fired steam engine built in 1922. “Curly” is a replica of the Onderdonk’s No. 2 locomotive which was once used by the CPR (Canadian Pacific Railway) in the construction of the region during the 1880s. (refer to the attached video for “Curly” bonding moments).
Car enthusiasts beware! The antique auto museum exhibit in the 3 Valley Gap Ghost Town may make you drool and act out like a kid in a candy store. There are autos dating back to 1902 to 1929 in all shapes, sizes and colours. It is hard not to fall in love with cars all over again.
The Monashee Mining exhibit onsite provides a glimpse into the people, equipment and conditions of mining in the early 1900s. There are ore cars, tools, drills and railway tracks. Have you ever heard of a double-drum donkey engine? There is one of those too!
My day was complete. I enjoyed my self guided tour of local history and heritage. I do question if it was self guided? I felt, at times, hair spiking up on the back of my neck and arms. Was it a spirit or ghost or was it brain-freeze from my cold drink. Regardless, I never got to test out my “Ghost Buster’ abilities.
Thank to the the Bell Family and to Thane for your hospitality. We will be back.
3 Valley Gap Heritage Ghost Town
Trans Canada Hwy #1
PO BOX 860 Revelstoke, BC, Canada, v0e 2s0
Phone: 1.888.667.2109
Open Daily Mid-April through Mid-October
The “STARS OF TOURISM” program highlights Canadian accommodations, attractions and adventures the “eh Team” brothers explored during the summer of 2014 in the name of tourism and travel research for their website, blog, social media channels and ehTV (YouTube).
The “eh Team” of (eh Canada Travel & Adventure) are the brother team of Greg and Colin Girard. Together they are the brains behind the travel website, blog, social media and ehTV which is the largest and fastest growing booking, planning and researching tourism and travel network for Western and Northern Canada – currently expanding into Eastern and Atlantic Canada.
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