2015 Tourism New Year’s Resolutions Bucket List
Every year millions of people sit themselves down and write out their list of New Year’s Resolutions. Unfortunately, within the first month many resolutions fall by the wayside. It is getting to the point where many people do not even partake in New Year’s Resolutions anymore. It does not have to be this way.
Tourism is the answer to a doable list of New Year’s Resolutions. In fact, many of the resolutions we suggest below are ones you can easily keep and… get this… will make you feel better about yourself, as well as, enrich the lives of others.
We are introducing something new this year we like to call a New Year’s Resolutions Bucket List. This is a list that does not set you up for disappointment. A list of resolutions which will only make you smile, plus you can share it with others.
Below we have compiled a 2015 Tourism New Year’s Resolutions Bucket List. Refer to this list when making your own list of 10 things you want to explore in 2015.
We are people of habit. Explore outside your comfort zone. We dare you to complete our list! If you do we would love to hear from you.
1. There are many people across the country who work hard protecting our wildlife and environment so future generations can enjoy them. Most of these organizations like the Nature Conservancy of Canada are non profit. Make plans to visit one of the protected areas in your region and learn more about species at risk and threatened environments and why it is important to protect them and support these organizations.
2. Plan a day road tripping on some backcountry roads which you have never explored before. View your region like you have never seen it before – blinders off. During your trip see who can photograph the best wildlife, art, landscapes, etc. Even offer up a prize for the one with the best photo in your group. At the end of the day create a road trip screen saver for your computer. Every time you view it, it should fire up some memories so you do it again.
3. Check out the event calendar in your region – paid or free. There are events for every budget. But instead, go to an event you have never attended or have had no interest of attending in the past. This will do two things. (1) It will open your world up to a whole new segment of your community. (2) It will introduce you to a new group of people. You never know your next best friend could be there waiting to meet you.
4. So you have a favourite restaurant. Every time you go out it seems you end up at the same restaurant. But where is the adventure in that? Try this. Go to a restaurant you have never visited before in your community and in a neighbouring community. Then compare the two restaurants. To the winner send a hand written thank you note in the mail. Simple gesture with huge results on the other end. The restaurant industry is a tough one. Send them a note of thanx and make it a good day for someone else too.
5. Visit a Provincial or National Park which you have never visited before. Research the activities enjoyed in the park on our website ehCanadaTravel.com. Not all activities have to be physical either. One can enjoy birding, camping, picnicking, photography, beachcombing, wildlife museums, etc. And for the active enjoy the amenities available to you in the parks like boat launches, hiking trails, etc.
6. How well do you know the history of you community/region or province/territory? When was the last time you visited a historic site or a museum? Do not have a historic site in your community? Get off the couch and go visit one near you. It is your community/country… show some pride and learn how it all came about.
7. Try a new activity this year. What? You are not physical? You do not have money? Those are excuses. Plus you have all year to check off this New Year’s Resolution. Not all activities are physical or take money. Go star gazing, storm watching, picnicking, dog sledding, birding, hot springs, wildlife tour, take a kabuki cab, or take up photography. All are not physical.
8. Volunteer. “Research has shown that people who volunteer often live longer.” Allen Klein. Enough said.
9. Interview someone in the tourism industry. Find out why tourism is so important to the Canadian economy, including your community. There are many benefits to this type of New Year’s Resolution. (1) You can submit your interview to the accommodation to use on their website, blog or social media channels. (2) You make a new contact in the community. (3) You may get invited to special events held by the accommodation. (4) You have a better appreciation of the industry which fuels your community. (5) It is not all roses in the industry and you might learn a thing or two. You can visit us online for over 2100+ business listings to select from for your interview.
10. Book, plan and research one adventure, vacation, road trip, business travel with us on ehCanadaTravel.com in 2015. Why? Well… because you would be supporting one of the few (if not only) 100% Canadian privately owned and operated national travel websites on the internet (most are funded and regulated by Government). Your support promotes Canada and employs Canadians. That should be enough incentive for you.
PS: Oh yeah, when you travel in Canada name dropping ehCanadaTravel.com in your conversations is a small gesture which would go a long way. Thank you in advance.
The “eh Team” of ehCanadaTravel.com (eh Canada Travel & Adventure) are the brother team of Greg and Colin Girard. Together, they created, researched and developed ehCanadaTravel.com travel website, blog, social media and ehTV which is the largest and fastest growing booking, planning and researching tourism and travel network for Western and Northern Canada – currently expanding into Eastern and Atlantic Canada.
“Mention eh Canada Travel and Adventure in your travels. It is the Canadian thing to do.”