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Canada Weekly Top 10 – Travel Stories April 18th-24th, 2016

Canada Travel & Tourism Newsletter

Canada Weekly Top 10 – Travel Stories April 18th-24th, 2016

Travel Tips / Tourism Trends / Travel Experts / Tourism Business / Good Vibes

“We bring your advertising to life with content? We give your content a personality with interaction.”
Greg Girard – eh Canada co founder

Recent Market Study on Travel And Tourism In Canada To 2020 (Tourism News) Canadian vacationers stay close to home due to terrorism, Zika virus and low dollar (Travel News) 
“Americans flocked to Canada for tourism in 2015, reaping the benefits of the weaker Canadian dollar, and this trend is expected to continue in 2016. International arrivals increased by 6.3% in 2015.” via Open PR “In light of horrific attacks in Brussels, Turkey and Paris and concerns surrounding the Zika virus, the majority of Canadians planning a summer vacation say they will be sticking close to home.” via Andrew Seale, Yahoo News @WhenWeDrift
Canada Weekly Top 10 – Travel Stories April 18th-24th, 2016
Hotels woo guests to book directly online with discounts (Tourism News) 5 Can’t-Miss Canadian Summer Beer Festivals  (Tourism News)
“Hotel companies have a tortured relationship with online travel booking sites. Expedia and Priceline charge commissions of 15 per cent or higher. The hotel chains would rather keep that money themselves.” via Scott Mayerowitz,  Canadian Business @cdnbiz “Nothing pairs better during a hot summer day than a cold beer, and there’s no better way to experience that cold beer than at the best beer festivals across the country. ” via Ryan Tessier, @SessionAles ,Huffington Post Living
Canada Weekly Top 10 – Travel Stories April 18th-24th, 2016
The changing face of snow sports (Travel Story) Canada fears drug tourism fear after cannabis pledge (Tourism News)
“After decades of no significant growth in the skiing industry, the core of the market — baby boomers — is slowly dwindling, leaving mountain resorts with a dilemma: How can they attract more people to the sport?” via Eric Plummer, @PiqueNews, Pique “Canada is likely to become one of the first Western countries to legalize cannabis after its government yesterday promised to introduce the necessary legislation next year.” via Nick Allen,  Stuff New Zealand
Canada Weekly Top 10 – Travel Stories April 18th-24th, 2016
U.S. Media Laud Canada As ‘Best Hope For Global Economy’ (Economy News) A lament for the demise of rail travel in Canada (Travel Story)
“All of a sudden, the U.S.’s financial media loves Canada’s economic policies. Both the Wall Street Journal and Quartz have published columns essentially arguing that Canada is a beacon unto the global economy, doing right what everyone else is doing wrong.” via Daniel Tencer, Huffington Post  “Once we decided that moving goods was more important than moving people, rail travel began its long, steady decline. Passenger trains became an expensive, inefficient afterthought. ” via Michael Enright, @CBCSunday
Canada Weekly Top 10 – Travel Stories April 18th-24th, 2016
Strong tourism growth sets the stage for summer season (Tourism News) Ohhh, Canada! 16 Great Reasons to Head North
(Travel Story)
“The latest international visitor numbers from February show that tourism is up 15.3% during the first two months of 2016 with 71,007 more visitors to the province over the same period last year.” via BC Gov News ” Right now, Canada just feels right. With U.S. politics ceasing to be funny anymore, our neighbor to the north is looking better and better. And why shouldn’t it? The U.S. dollar is strong, and the country is safe.” via Andrew Harper, @Topical_hq
Canada Weekly Top 10 – Travel Stories April 18th-24th, 2016

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********* (eh Canada Travel & Adventure) is the largest booking, planning & interactive social media travel website in Canada. Featured On : CBC (3X),, Huffington Post, Nature Conservancy of Canada,, Travel Industry Today, Cottage Life Magazine, TAPS Magazine, Nature Conservancy of Canada and many local publications.



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