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8 Best Bamfield Parks, Trails and Places –

Bamfield Parks

8 Bamfield Parks, Trails and Places

“I can truly attest to the fact that immersing (some say escaping) oneself into nature can and will change your outlook on life.”

Link to Bamfield Parks, Trails and Places descriptions and photos

Canadian Travel Influencers, including yours truly, have posted 8 of our favorite parks, trails and special places to visit or even conquer when exploring the land and sea near the Village of Bamfield, BC, Canada on Vancouver Island! In order to truly enjoy many of the 8 special places one must have access to a kayak, hiking boots, camping gear, and/or backpack.

Not all Bamfield adventures are tough. There is something to do for all fitness levels from lounging on a long beautiful sandy beach to drudging through mud and dirt backpacking the West Coast Trail.  Self guided or guided a Bamfield adventure will grow your zest for discovery.

Myself, I am an adventure addict. I have been fortunate enough to have backpacked Bamfield’s  West Coast Trail 5 or 6 times  and Keeha Bay Trail is a longtime favorite since my early 20’s. I think that one is hovering around 9 times? Lounging on Pachena Beach… hmmm… lost count on that one. It has been awhile since those days and there have been many adventures from all across Canada in between so sometimes the number of visits gets all mumbo-jumbo in my head.  

Many a Bamfield adventure has on occasion transformed my mood  from “stress to bliss” and my outlook on life from “stuck to lucky to be alive”.  I can truly attest to the fact that immersing (some say escaping) oneself into nature can and will change your outlook on life. 

Here are the 8 Best Bamfield Parks, Trails and Places

  1. West Coast Trail (WCT)
  2. Broken Islands Group – Pacific Rim National Park
  3. Pacific Rim National Park Reserve of Canada
  4. Bamfield Boardwalk
  5. Pachena Bay
  6. Keeha Bay Trail
  7. Cape Beale Trail
  8. Deer Islands

Please add to the experience and leave a comment, tip or review. If you should see a need to add a park, trail and/or place to the Bamfield BC section of our website… well, we can help you there too. Please feel free to register on as a Canadian Travel Influencer and you too can start writing for Canada and adding parks, trails and places. Great way to build up your influence online as each article, post, photo, video story, tip you share or create points travelers to your very own personal social travel profile (or as I like to call them travel diaries).

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As Seen On: CBC, Huffington Post,, Nature Conservancy of Canada, Cottage Life Magazine,, Travel Industry Today, Yukon Life, TAPS Magazine, HUB Magazine
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