Small Town Tourism Program Wins International and Provincial Awards
eh Canada Marketing Group
Release #018
For Immediate Release
March 15, 2021
EH? Canada Marketing Group's "Experience Community Program" Small Town Tourism Initiative Wins International and Provincial Awards in…

Best Beaches in Atlantic Canada that you may not have heard of
Best Beaches in Atlantic Canada
Beaches of Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick Canada
"What are the best beaches in Atlantic Canada that you may have not heard of and are worth checking out?"
What are…

2019 Tourism Trends for Canada – ehCanadaTravel.com
2019 Tourism Trends for Canada
15 trends and traveler habits we should keep an eye on in 2019
"Emerging 2019 tourism trends are interesting considering all that is happening on so many different fronts domestically, internationally and technologically."

Community Blogging Grows Communities In A Positive Way
Community Bloggers Growing Communities
3 Days of Community Blogging Training Unleashes 4 More Merritt BC Bloggers
"... we just completed a second round of blog training with 4 new bloggers (plus 1) who are about to unleash their stories, experiences…

Merritt BC Canada Campground – Hammock Adventure
Hammock Adventure in Merritt BC Canada Campground
Golf cart 4x4ing around backcountry campground looking for ideal hammock location
"Merritt BC Canada Campground adventure with the host of the Moon Shadows Campground. We take part in some…

Earth Day EH & Nature Conservancy of Canada
On April 22nd people around the world will be celebrating Earth Day. Millions of people around the world will be attending rallies, fund raisers, exhibits and festivals giving Mother Earth a voice. And... sadly enough... the rest of the population…

About the Brothers Behind Canada EH Tourism
So, it seems, many are a tad curious to learn more about who is behind the writings, photography, research and development of the eh Canada Adventure Travel. Who wouldn't be, it is a unique travel website.
We are sure you would like to meet…

Eco New Years’ Resolutions
Every year we here at Canada EH Tourism try to commit to a New Years' Resolution, a green resolution, an environmental solution of a resolution.
This year we are throwing it out there and challenging all of you to commit to 1 or more green…

Hopewell Rocks Mud Flat Party
Anxious, excited and curious is how I felt as I anticipated my visit to Hopewell Rocks. It is the most talked about natural attraction in the Moncton, New Brunswick area. Located east of Moncton, the Hopewell Rocks is a park and sightseeing…

My Moments in Moncton
Moncton, New Brunswick is one of the bigger cities in the province. The community is rich with old architecture including castles, heritage homes and nearby historic forts. It is an ideal destination for people visiting New Brunswick who…

Fundy National Park
Fundy National Park! It is a park I have heard about since I was a youngster. It is a park I would never have dreamed of ever visiting in my lifetime being that I lived in BC, not in New Brunswick. But dreams do come true and life has a strange…

Fundy Trail, Fundy Bay.. Funday eh!
I came down from my perch camping on the cliffs in Saint John, New Brunswick and found myself surging forward exploring on the road again. My next stop was the Fundy National Park. I was excited to go crazy exploring in the park as I have heard…

Bluffed in Bay of Fundy, St. John
I am camping high up on a cliff in St. John, New Brunswick, Canada. There are swallows, swifts and seagulls playing tag in the air currents out my front door. And the city of St. John is on full display, spread out below me, at my feet.…

Fiddleheads and Maple Syrup in Fredericton
From province to province, territory to territory... there are cultural, architectural and historical differences in Canada. Many are proudly presented, explained and documented in the local tourism booklets and plastered all over street signs.…

Red Coats in New Brunswick
Lately, my French has been under attack, challenging my French knowledge base and storage units. Spending so much time in Quebec gave me a crash course and now… my French is being challenged in the predominately French speaking northern…

End of the Road on Miscou Island
In the top east corner of New Brunswick is the Acadia Peninsula. The peninsula is sparsely populated with small villages and two islands.
The peninsula road travels along pebble, cliff and sandy shorelines only to bump into recreation beaches,…

Acadia in New Brunswick
I guess you can say I am officially on the east coast! A few days back I crossed over the Restigouche River, from the province of Quebec into the community of Campbellton, News Brunswick.
It was a goose-bump moment for me. But…

It’s a good omen to spot a Moose.
I feel it is always good luck to see a wild animal in your travels. Whether it be a Bald Eagle or Bear to a Porcupine or Skunk, they all are good luck and great to see to boot. Today I headed out of Miramichi, New Brunswick with the intent of…