Tag Archive for: Advertising

Small Town Tourism Program Wins International and Provincial Awards
eh Canada Marketing Group
Release #018
For Immediate Release
March 15, 2021
EH? Canada Marketing Group's "Experience Community Program" Small Town Tourism Initiative Wins International and Provincial Awards in…

Best Beaches in Atlantic Canada that you may not have heard of
Best Beaches in Atlantic Canada
Beaches of Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick Canada
"What are the best beaches in Atlantic Canada that you may have not heard of and are worth checking out?"
What are…

2019 Tourism Trends for Canada – ehCanadaTravel.com
2019 Tourism Trends for Canada
15 trends and traveler habits we should keep an eye on in 2019
"Emerging 2019 tourism trends are interesting considering all that is happening on so many different fronts domestically, internationally and technologically."

Community Blogging Grows Communities In A Positive Way
Community Bloggers Growing Communities
3 Days of Community Blogging Training Unleashes 4 More Merritt BC Bloggers
"... we just completed a second round of blog training with 4 new bloggers (plus 1) who are about to unleash their stories, experiences…

Merritt BC Canada Campground – Hammock Adventure
Hammock Adventure in Merritt BC Canada Campground
Golf cart 4x4ing around backcountry campground looking for ideal hammock location
"Merritt BC Canada Campground adventure with the host of the Moon Shadows Campground. We take part in some…

Tourism and Social Media Disconnect
There Is a Disconnect Between Tourism and Social Media
Why is tourism still trying to figure out if social media is worth the effort?
"After using social media to research bookings, only 48% of travelers stuck with their original plan"

Quebec, Canada – ehCanadaTravel.com
Welcome Quebec, Canada!
Quebec Canada Travel & Adventure Communities and Regions
"It is one more step to becoming the first Canadian national travel and adventure website on the internet created by travelers for travelers in real-time…

How To Make Your First Social Media Post on ehCanadaTravel.com
How To Make Your First Social Media Post on ehCanadaTravel.com
Step by step guide on getting started posting on eh Canada Travel Website
"Now you can market yourself on Facebook and/or Twitter and you do not even have to have a personal Facebook…

New Product : Canada Tourism Advertising Slideshow Listings
Canada Tourism Advertising Slideshow Listings
"The more informative your advertising, the more persuasive it will be." David Ogilvy
"Our new listing format has morphed from static to storytelling."
ehCanadaTravel.com has just launched their…

Resizing Photos For Social Optimization
Resizing Photos For Social Travel & Social Media
"We see over and over again that people on the internet post some beautiful photos. We also come across the same post on other social media channels and the photo is cut off or the photo…

Province & Territory Canadian Personalities
Province & Territory Personalities
When It Comes To Tourism Each Region Stands On Its Own While We All Market Together.
Every province and territory in Canada has its own personality. It is only logical in such a large country stretching…

Cover Me Canada – Cover Photos Depicting The Season Of Canada
Cover Me Canada
Cover Photos Best Depicting The Season Of Canada
So there are covers of magazines. There are front page headlines on newspapers. There are featured photos on internet news sites. So... why not have cover photos on…

Canada Needs More Travel Influencers
Canada Needs More Travel Influencers
Become a Canadian Travel Influencer.
Make a Difference in How Others View Our Country.
Imagine a travel website created by the people of Canada and not by corporations or associations.…

Product Launch: Social Media Broadcasting Tool
Product Launch: Social Media Broadcasting Tool
"Make a post on eh Canada Travel. Automatically have that same post shared throughout all YOUR and eh Canada Travel's Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn (Google+ Coming Soon) social media pages. No…

50,000 Traveler Visits in Just 2 Months!
How to Get 50,000 63,944 Traveler Visits in Just 2 Months!
"We've been working with the great guys at ehCanadaTravel for awhile now, and this has become an important source of exposure for us. The ability to promote ourselves online on the…

How to Create, Edit & Manage Your Ad Listing
How to Create, Edit & Manage Your Ad Listing:
"How to effectively create your Advertising Listing on the ehCanadaTravel.com Website and make changes throughout the year."
(Important: Please Watch Video)
How to Create, Edit & Manage…

Maximizing Your Travel Content Marketing
Maximizing Your Travel Content Marketing
Creating 10+ posts/promotions/advertisements from 1 post
With our Travel Content Marketing and Interactive System we will show you how to create 10 or more posts/promotions/advertisements from 1 single…

Advantages of Real Time Tourism Advertising
How to Maintain Your Tourism Advertising Listing
" The importance of creating a Membership Listing and then to continue to maintain and update the listing as your business changes and grows."
So you have signed up and have your User Name…

Using Travel Tips for Business / Blog / Photography Promotions
Travel Tips Content Marketing
"Businesses, bloggers and photographers use content marketing travel tips for creating promotions for their business."
There are many ways to implement content marketing on ehCanadaTravel.com. All of them operate…

Use Hiking Trails to Promote Your Business ( Content Marketing)
How to Use Hiking Trails to Market
Yourself / Your Business / Blog / Photography
Business Advertising with Content Marketing
Content Marketing How To Video
Imagine a system where your business can create advertising using hiking trails.…

Event Marketing Your Canadian Business
Marketing with Events : Content Marketing
"Post an event and you instantly begin promoting your community, your tourism business, blog, photography, or art and now you are the "go to" source to work with or book with for that event."

CANADA eh TOURISM is excited to announce the launch of their new look CanadaEH.net Travel Network website.
The CanadaEH.net Travel Network includes information, photos and travel tips for adventures and accommodations when exploring throughout…

YukonEH.com Online Launch Party
Finally, everything you need to know for a wild time in the Yukon Territory Canada.
Our YukonEH.com Travel and Tourism Website is online. It is a resource for adventures, activities, highways, communities, tours, guides, accommodations and…

Tourism Website Common Sense
I cannot count how many times I have heard people in the tourism industry state, " I get allot of my online business from my website." But your website is no where to be found on the Internet unless I type in the business name. Then I…