Tag Archive for: Website

Small Town Tourism Program Wins International and Provincial Awards
eh Canada Marketing Group
Release #018
For Immediate Release
March 15, 2021
EH? Canada Marketing Group's "Experience Community Program" Small Town Tourism Initiative Wins International and Provincial Awards in…

Best Beaches in Atlantic Canada that you may not have heard of
Best Beaches in Atlantic Canada
Beaches of Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick Canada
"What are the best beaches in Atlantic Canada that you may have not heard of and are worth checking out?"
What are…

2019 Tourism Trends for Canada – ehCanadaTravel.com
2019 Tourism Trends for Canada
15 trends and traveler habits we should keep an eye on in 2019
"Emerging 2019 tourism trends are interesting considering all that is happening on so many different fronts domestically, internationally and technologically."

Community Blogging Grows Communities In A Positive Way
Community Bloggers Growing Communities
3 Days of Community Blogging Training Unleashes 4 More Merritt BC Bloggers
"... we just completed a second round of blog training with 4 new bloggers (plus 1) who are about to unleash their stories, experiences…

Merritt BC Canada Campground – Hammock Adventure
Hammock Adventure in Merritt BC Canada Campground
Golf cart 4x4ing around backcountry campground looking for ideal hammock location
"Merritt BC Canada Campground adventure with the host of the Moon Shadows Campground. We take part in some…

Official Launch: Saskatchewan Social Media Travel Centre & Website
Official Launch: Saskatchewan Social Media Travel Centre
We refer to it as the Facebook/Twitter of Saskatchewan Canada Travel but with a twist.
It is here! Social Media meets Saskatchewan Travel Website! We are proud to announce the launch…

Who You Book Travel With Is Who You Support
Who You Book Travel With Is Who You Support. When traveling in Canada support a Canadian travel website. Makes sense right. Not always the case.
Like anything you purchase, where you purchase is who you are supporting.

Features of Convenience
Bro and I have been talking about some of the new features we are adding this year to our EH Tourism websites. It is going to be so wicked.
So far Bro has designed some convenience features. These are features more appreciated by the online…