Tag Archive for: Winter

Small Town Tourism Program Wins International and Provincial Awards
eh Canada Marketing Group
Release #018
For Immediate Release
March 15, 2021
EH? Canada Marketing Group's "Experience Community Program" Small Town Tourism Initiative Wins International and Provincial Awards in…

Best Beaches in Atlantic Canada that you may not have heard of
Best Beaches in Atlantic Canada
Beaches of Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick Canada
"What are the best beaches in Atlantic Canada that you may have not heard of and are worth checking out?"
What are…

2019 Tourism Trends for Canada – ehCanadaTravel.com
2019 Tourism Trends for Canada
15 trends and traveler habits we should keep an eye on in 2019
"Emerging 2019 tourism trends are interesting considering all that is happening on so many different fronts domestically, internationally and technologically."

Community Blogging Grows Communities In A Positive Way
Community Bloggers Growing Communities
3 Days of Community Blogging Training Unleashes 4 More Merritt BC Bloggers
"... we just completed a second round of blog training with 4 new bloggers (plus 1) who are about to unleash their stories, experiences…

Merritt BC Canada Campground – Hammock Adventure
Hammock Adventure in Merritt BC Canada Campground
Golf cart 4x4ing around backcountry campground looking for ideal hammock location
"Merritt BC Canada Campground adventure with the host of the Moon Shadows Campground. We take part in some…

Winter TOP 100 In Canada List
Winter sometimes gets a bad rap. But for those of us who love snow and ice, it could not happen fast enough.
"... spring is just around the corner so make the best of it!"
Winter Top 100 in Canada List: There are so many reasons to get…

Best Winter Murals in Canada
Best Winter Murals in Canada
Too often, locals explore their own towns and provinces with blinders on. This is even more evident in the winter when people tend to stay indoors. Why is that when there is a whole new world of sights and sounds with…

Winter EH-cations
Winter EH-cations
EH-cations in the winter season of Canada are some of the best in the world! Bold statement, we know. Is it fact? Maybe not... but in our eyes and based on our travels and research it should be.
How can we improve our…

Why Canada in the Winter is a Good Place to Meet People
Canadians have a reputation as a friendly, sociable nation and the cold northern Canadian winter doesn't dampen their spirits. Some people wait for the cold weather to arrive so that they can enjoy their favorite winter activities while others…

Happy is the Coming of Winter & Summer.
"People don't notice whether it's winter or summer when they're happy." - Anton Chekhov. You got that right Anton. And what makes many of them happy is the coming of the winter and summer seasons.
When people look at the winter season they react…

The Roads of Winter
No Canadian should ever apologize for our winter seasons filled with snow and ice. It is because of our four seasons including winter that we enjoy such a diversity of adventures year round.
Yes... OK I will sort of admit (wink, wink,…

Wildlife Winter Survival Skills
We, as humanoids, have the privilege of adjusting our lifestyle, adventures and living conditions so to accommodate our own needs and standards of living during the upcoming frosty winter season.
Some of us pass the time by reading…

Dreams of Snow Come True – PEI, Canada
Jack Frost was nippin' at my toes. A cold breeze slithered against my button red cheeks. My nose would make Rudolph proud. All the right conditions for a fantastic day in the snow. Snow is not evil, depressing or messy. Not in our world…