Content Marketing Program in Canada
Best Canadian Influencer Platform and Training Program for Small Towns and Small Businesses.
Canada Adventure Influencers come in all shapes and sizes in Canada, full of promise and great claims. Some deliver and some do not. Many focus on urban and few on rural and small towns. Some have real followers and some have fake followers. Some go for the quick hit and disappear never to be seen again while a few produce quality content which has a long shelf life on search engines and resonates on social media. The question to ask oneself, " What is the Best Canadian Influencer Platform and Training Program for my small town and for my small business?"
"80% of people surveyed admit to buying something based off of seeing a recommendation from an influencer."
by Anonymous
Identify Your Canada Adventure Influencers Market
Who do you want to target? Think hard about this one because not all social media and search engine marketing is that simple. Do you want your business to connect with the traveller or do you want the traveller to connect with the small business? There is a difference. Take for example Instagram. 97% of marketers use Instagram? However, in rural and small town Canada they do not use Instagram. Many small towns is all Facebook. That is a huge disconnect.
Types of Canadian Adventure Influencers
There are 3 1/2 types of Canada Adventure Influencers when it all comes down to it. I will explain the 1 and 1/2 in a bit. Bare with me here. Firstly, there are the social media influencers. Dime a dozen there. Then secondly, there are search engine storytelling influencers. They position content on Search engines for keyword searches. Lastly, the 1 and 1/2... well... that is your golden ticket if you find a good one, they do social and search engine influencer marketing plus more. Moral of the story is to look closely at all aspects of the influencer program. Luckily we know some of the 1 1/2 and they are called Canada Adventure Seekers.
"Influencer marketing is so mainstream that 93% of marketers use it."
by Anonymous
Why Should I Use Influencer Marketing?
Why Should I Use Influencer Marketing? Good question. For one, it is a lot cheaper and way more efficient than your current advertising in the local newspaper, and on the radio. Here is the kicker! Their life span is very short for print and radio. And by the time these 2 formats reach the traveller, they have already made their booking and planning decisions. Both of these old-school formats cater to the locals. Last time I checked they are already living in the community. And... do not even get me started about printing those stupid rack cards.
Selecting a Canada Travel Influencer For My Tourism Business
Here are some of the best practices every small business and small town should be following when it comes to influencer marketing.
(1) Big is Not Always Better.
Engagement rate is everything. Smaller more focused influencers called micro influencers generally have higher engagement rates of 5%+. However, the mega influencers, cost a lot more and they tend to have engagement rates of 1%+. Makes you wonder then? Are they engaged followers or just crazy fans that like everything that influencer does? My money is on the latter.
(2) Fake Followers and Ghost Followers.
According to Invesp $1.3B was spent on influencers with fake followings. Then consider this. You can buy 5000 fake followers for $30! And... just to be clear... how much was spent again? $1.3 Billion! Ouch! That is a lot of Fake Followers. Consequently, these unethical influencers inflate the amount of followers on their pages so they can charge more money. Luckily for small towns, most influencer fraud, is at the urban and corporate level. Why? Because that is where the big money is.
"50% of marketers consider finding these fakes as the biggest challenge in their influencer marketing campaigns."
by Anonymous
Canada Adventure Seeker Platform and Training Program
The company I work with, the EH Canada Marketing Group, has created an award winning content marketing program for small and rural communities called Experience Canada, as well as, a proven Influencer Club called Canada Adventure Seekers. And I can proudly say we were awarded the Best in Canada and the Best in British Columbia community marketing program for small to mid-size towns and communities! Looking out for small towns is a rarity these days. We live in small towns so we have a special place for them.
Are Influencers Worth It?
In closing, Canada Adventure Influencers, are worth every dollar, when you connect with a legit one. In one study, influencer marketing achieved 11x the ROI more than banner ads. In another study businesses earn, on average $5.20 for every dollar spent on influencer marketing. Now, is the time to ask questions. We are here to answer them.