China Nose Mountain Trail

Difficulty: Difficult
Park Amenities:

China Nose Mountain Trail in Houston, British Columbia, Canada is a beautiful sight on approach and when up close and personal, the peak provides a phenomenal view of the surrounding mountain ranges and the many lakes and rivers of the Bulkley Valley. The 2 - 4 hour hiking route (depends on fitness levels) is one of the more rural, rough and isolated wilderness hikes in the Houston, British Columbia, Canada region.
To start the hike you will need to find the trailhead. Easier said then done. You can see the mountain, but where is the trail? The reference material states the trailhead is located in a clear-cut section located just after a wooden bridge on your left. Finding the bridge was easy but the trailhead was a different story because of the growth of the forest over the clear-cut section hiding the clear cut and any hint of a hiking path. (Look for a post with a blue ribbon tied around it - that is the trailhead on our visit).
On the ridge above the road the trail explores through tall grass and brush quickly crossing over a small creek. The trail is marked by colored ribbons and at times the ribbons blend in well with the forest so keep your head up.
The first part of the trail leads the explorer through open fields with shoulder high shrubs and tall grass (overgrown clear-cut section). As the hike continues and the elevation increases the hike travels more and more through a living forest. Under the canopy of the forest the ground is covered with deadfall tress mixed in with low lying flora and fauna.
The hiking trail then leads to the base of China Mountain and to the chimney part of the route. This is the difficult part of the hike that propels explorers straight up to the peak and to the spanning valley views. On a clear day explorers should be able to see the Telkwa Mountain Range and the many lakes in the region like the Day, Elwin and Swans Lakes.
The region around China Nose Mountain is remote. So remote that there is a possibility of viewing some of the local wildlife like Bald Eagles, Mountain Goats and Black Bears. Often it is easy to feel like you are in the middle of wilderness with no one around. This is good but only when explorers are properly prepared with good hiking boots, clothing, food and water so there are no mishaps. AND always tell someone where you are going!
Explore China Nose Mountain Trail in Houston, British Columbia, Canada