Roberts Creek
British Columbia
Park Size: 0.3 hectaresPark Amenities:
Roberts Creek Regional Park is located in the Roberts Creek, BC area kitty-corner to the community village on the lower Sunshine Coast north of Gibsons B.C., south of Sechelt, British Columbia, Canada.
The park is situated around a natural rock pier protruding out from the shoreline. There is a pathway leading out to the point for a grand view of the coastline. There are viewing benches in this small waterfront park peering out at the ocean. The park is an ideal destination to view marine activity and sea birds.
The park is touched by art as there is a huge painted, sun-dial-like mural highlighted in the centre court of this park. The shoreline, at low tide, is a great place to beach comb along the pebbled beaches for viewing inter tidal marine life. The shoreline is exposed so it can get windy out on the rocky peninsula.
There are washrooms onsite and a small parking lot. The Roberts Creek Regional Park is not far from the village centre. After browsing the unique stores, it is a short walk to the park so you may want to park in the village. It is your call.
Roberts Creek Regional Park, Roberts Creek, BC on the Sunshine Coast.
Roberts Creek Pier Regional park
Roberts Creek
How To Get ToRoberts Creek Pier Regional park
How to Get Here: Follow Hwy 101 north from Gibsons, BC for 10 km (6 mi.) or drive south on Hwy 101 from Sechelt BC to Roberts Creek. Approaching from Gibsons take a left on Roberts Bay Road. Continue to the pier on the waterfront.

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