Somewhere behind this adventure magazine is Melvina White of the Merritt Desert Inn . It was a day filled with out-of-hand adventure research and high usage camera button pushing while learning, listening and meeting...
Somewhere behind this adventure magazine is Melvina White of the Merritt Desert Inn . It was a day filled with out-of-hand adventure research and high usage camera button pushing while learning, listening and meeting fellow adventure professionals from around the world at the Outdoor Adventure & Travel Show - Vancouver 2018 . Make an effort to read our blog about it coming soon. #ehroadtrip#canadiantravelinfluncers#adventurefirstthinklater
Kenny's Country #Xmas at the @MerrittDesertInn . Come join Kenny Hess on December 16th in #Merritt BC for a celebration of Christmas. #countryxmas @kennyhess
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