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  •   Sonya Richmond commented on this post about 2 years ago
    Cary Horning created a new event

    Heritage Inn International Hot Air Balloon Festival

    The Heritage Inn International Balloon Festival has grown into a highly anticipated fall event for High River and communities extending between Calgary and Southern Alberta.

    While every year holds quirks and challenges to be addressed, 2020 and 2021 presented us with a new suite of circumstanc...
    The Heritage Inn International Balloon Festival has grown into a highly anticipated fall event for High River and communities extending between Calgary and Southern Alberta.

    While every year holds quirks and challenges to be addressed, 2020 and 2021 presented us with a new suite of circumstances to consider. As we continue to plan for the 2022 Balloon Festival, we do so knowing there may be uncertain times ahead on the road back to hosting our full Festival offerings.

    Know that the safety of our pilots, vendors, volunteers, and visitors is a top priority. Throughout the year we continually monitor the ongoing developments of COVID-19 including the recommendations and health orders made by Alberta Health Services to use as our guidelines. This becomes increasingly relevant as the time draws nearer to launch.

    Given the unprecedented times and how quickly events can change, we will continue to plan with cautious optimism and the five-day Festival of flights and competition will go ahead.

    Friday Night is Balloon Glow
    Feel the heat • Hear the blast • See the glow

    Come out and experience hot air balloons up close and personal.

    Date: Friday, September 23, 2022
    Price: Free
    Tickets: Not required
    Time: 5:00pm - 9:00pm - subject to change due to weather conditions
    Food: A variety of food trucks will be on site
    21st Sep, 2022 5:30PM - America/Edmonton
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