Ogema Heritage Train
All Aboard! The Southern Saskatchewan town of Ogema has a heritage train that will take you for a ride into the pioneer past. Journey on a refurbished and renovated 1922 passenger train car for unique Saskatchewan experience! As stated on the Southern Prairie Railway web site, the train will travel to nearby destinations so that you can experience a journey “similar to what pioneers of the 1920’s would have experienced.” Various types of excursions are available every weekend in the summer months and the 2016 schedule and tickets are available online now at www.southernprairierailway.com The town of Ogema is also home to the Deep South Pioneer Museum, a collection of 30 buildings recreating a pioneer village. Their historic main street also boasts a historic fire hall, built in 1915 after a catastrophic fire destroyed much of the town’s main street. I think their miniature train at the museum station is also so wonderful to view. You can’t go wrong with a visit to Omega so come ready for a unique historic excursion, Saskatchewan style.