Rafting Tours
Rafting guides are often interpretive guides providing documentary on the origin of the river, surrounding wilderness and wildlife living in the region. An experienced guide is familiar with the twists and turns of a particular river and are trained in outdoor survival skills and water rescue techniques.

British Columbia River Rafting
British Columbia, Canada river rafting is a popular summer time activity that is available throughout all regions of the province. There are hundreds of long powerful rivers available for rafting. And near many of the most powerful rivers is an adventure community providing rafting tours and guides.
Popular Rafting Rivers
Some of the more notable rivers for British Columbia rafing tours include the Thompson, Fraser, Columbia, Bow, Adams, Nahatlatch, Coquihalla, Chilliwack, Kootenay, Stikine, Tatshenshini, Spatsizi, Clearwater, Babine, Liard, Slocan, Kluane, Tuchodi, Muskwa, Turnagain, Kechika, Nahanni, Gataga and Taku Rivers. But there are many others.
Hold on tight and paddle like crazy, be prepared to get soaked as your guide directs you through turbulent rapids and white water.
Rafting guides are often interpretive guides providing documentary on the origin of the river, surrounding wilderness and wildlife living in the region. An experienced guide is familiar with the twists and turns of a particular river and are trained in outdoor survival skills and water rescue techniques.
Types of Rafting Tours
Most British Columbia rafting tour companies provide a selection of 1/2 day and full day trips. Overnight adventures are also provided by a selective group. Long haul rafting trips can be as short as 2 nights and as long as 2 weeks.
Book a Rafting Tour with our Members Below.
Lardeau River Adventures Ltd.

Wet N' Wild Adventures Ltd.