Summerland, BC, Canada

Okanagan Valley, British Columbia, Canada Travel & Adventure Guide

On a hill high above Okanagan Lake

Summerland BC, Canada is located on a on a hill high above Okanagan Lake in British Columbia. The downtown core is very European with the buildings painted in pastel colours and built to "Old England" heritage style specifications.


Activities, Adventures, Things To Do in Summerland, BC

Activities most enjoyed in Summerland in the Okanagan Valley and the surrounding areas include wine touring, golfing, hiking, water skiing, sailing, boating, railway tours, swimming, beachcombing, picnicking, kayaking and canoeing.

Pictures of Summerland, Okanagan, BC, Canada

Parks, Trails, & Places to Explore in Summerland, BC

A few of the more popular activity and sightseeing park and trail destinations located in Summerland, British Columbia and the surrounding areas includes the Sun Oka Park, Okanagan Lake Park, Peach Orchard Loop Trail, Giants Head Mountain, Kettle Valley Steam Railway (KVR), Mount Conkle Park, Kickininee Provincial Park, Powell Beach (Trout Creek), and the Gordon Beggs Rotary Beach.

Summerland, British Columbia, Attractions, Art, Historical Sites, & Culture

The most visited sightseeing attractions, art galleries, historical sites and cultural venues in and around Summerland, British Columbia include the Summerland Ornamental Gardens, Classic Car Museum, Summerland Museum, Priest Camp Historic Park, Downtowm Mural Walk and Summerland Art Gallery.

Accommodations, Services and Amenities in Summerland, British Columbia, Canada

Travel services important to travelers in and around the community of Summerland, BC includes accommodations (hotels, motels, resorts, inns, vacation homes, cottages, bed and breakfasts, hostels), campgrounds, pubs, restaurants, gas stations, liquor stores, grocery stores, wineries, coffee shops, cell service, internet, banks and transportation services including taxi, bus, marina, and the Penticton Regional Airport.

Explore Summerland, Okanagan Valley, Canada Travel Guide for Accommodations, Attractions and Adventure.

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