Steelhead Park

Park Amenities:

Steelhead Park is located along Highway 16 in Houston, British Columbia, Canada. The park is identified by a 60 foot fly rod monument reaching for the sky. Here you will find the parking lot to Steelhead Park.
In the main parking lot where the "World's Largest Fly Rod" sits are some informational billboards, some picnic tables and a wooden bridge leading further into the park. The billboards outline some of the trails and activities in the area and posts some announcements about the village.
The wooden bridge connects to a cobblestone path which explores the flower gardens potted throughout the park. The colorful rows of flowers line the walkway leading to some viewing benches and a water fountain. A little further down the path is some monuments, a Totem Pole, sitting benches and a playground.
The focus of the park is the trout water fountain and a very large fly rod. The water fountain doubles as a wishing well and on occasion children have been spotted on a hot day playing in the shooting streams of the fish fountain. .
The fly rod was the idea of a local resident who was attending a tourism workshop. From idea to conception, the 60 foot "World's Largest Fly Rod" weighs 800 lbs and is rigged up with a "Skykomish Sunrise" fly. The rod towers over the commuity and is easily spotted from the highway.
Next door to the park is a historic heritage village with some pioneer homes and informational signs. Just down the street explorers can connect to the Buck Creek Trail and enjoy some creek views leading to some local parks and to the Bulkley River.
There are also some outhouses onsite at the far end of the park near the playground.
Explore Steelhead Park in Houston, British Columbia, Canada