Tabor Mountain Trails

Park Amenities:

The trails are numerous and cater to all levels of fitness and ability. The trails connect and link together at various points on the mountain (some are loop trails) so it is important to obtain a trail map. The hundreds of kilometres of trails provide hours of fun and in some cases days and days of exploration. For multi day trips there are shelters and cabins along the routes.
Some of the routes lead to wildlife viewing areas while others lead to viewpoints and wilderness cabins. The Troll Lake, Viewpoint, Lookout, Easy Rider, Treeline and Frost Lake Trails lead through the forests to either the Troll Lake (rest stop), Viewpoint (shelter) or Treeline (overnight) Cabins.
The Link, Caledonia, East Rider, Hickory Wing, Sawdust, Willow Canyon, Jackrabbit, Bowes Creek, Hydroline, Crossover and Martin Trails all are link trails connecting to other trail routes which eventually lead to the cabins and viewpoints.
The assortment of trails on the mountain start from different parking lots depending on the destination desired. Parking Lots G, H and J are the parking lots located on Highway 16 and the most easy to access. Parking Lot A through F are located on the gravel roads leading up the mountain.
The mountain is a rugged wilderness destination and all explorers need to be well prepared for wind chill and sudden changes in the weather. Always plan your routes and explore in groups. And always wear adequate clothing and pack a first aid kit, flashlight and water proof matches. The trails do not have garbage cans so pack out what you pack in.
Explore Tabor Mountain Trails in Prince George, British Columbia, Canada