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Nisga’a Memorial Lava Bed Park and Nisga’a Memorial Lava Bed Corridor and Nisga’a Memorial Lava Bed Protected Areas (a.k.a. Anhluut’ukwsim Laxmihl Angwinga’asanskwhl Nisga’a) is located 90 kilometres north of the community of Terrace, British Columbia, Canada. The park can be viewed and explored by vehicle and by hiking trail.
The auto tour follows yellow "Auto Tour Stop" signs posted along the highway. Some of the stops continue to explore further on foot hiking trails leading to lava formations, redirected rivers and lakes. To reach the rim of the lava crater one must book with one of the authorized tour guides in the area.
The Nisga'a Memorial Lava Bed Park lava eruption covered over 18,000 hectares and included a 10 kilometre lava flow. The lava flow followed a creek bed into Lava Lake and then continuing down the Kii Sii Aks River to the Nass River bed. Here, at the Nass River, the lava pooled and cooled forming a 10 kilometre long and 3 kilometre wide lava plain pushing the Nass River north.
It was over 250 years ago the volcano erupted, killing 2000 Nisga'a people from two First Nation Villages. Today, the lava fields are recognized as a Nisga'a spiritual resting place and burial ground. Hence why the Nisga'a Memorial Lava Bed Park has a significant spiritual importance to the Nisga'a community. 1992 was when the Lava Park finally was established as a park. The first provincial park managed by, both, a First Nation community and BC Parks.
The lava eruption altered the landscape tremendously pushing rivers north, demolishing villages, clearing trees, causing forest fires and covering lakes. Hiking some of the trails reveals many altered landscapes and volcanic formations like lava tubes and ridges, underground streams and lava rope.
In the park there is an Information Centre with picnic tables, campground and outhouses. When exploring by vehicle following the "Auto Tour Stop" signs there are also outhouses at Vetter Falls, picnic tables and a boat launch at Lava Lake.
Most explorers are amazed at the wide scope of different scenery enjoyed in this park. Besides the giant slabs of harden lave there are the beautiful lakes, the rumbling creeks and the waterfalls. Some are surprised at the number and size of the many lakes on the route but, more are excited by the aqua and turquoise color of the lakes. Some of the key stops enjoyed by most when exploring Nisga'a Memorial Lava Bed Park are at Lava Lake, Vetter Falls, Tree Mould Trail and Beaupre Falls.
Wildlife also has returned to the area since the massive lava flowed through this country. Throughout the park there are opportunities to view grizzly and black bears, wolves, mountain goats, moose, deer, eagles, ravens and more.