Hey Uncle Bob....Let's Drive Auntie Shelley to the Top of a Mountain

For more than a decade we (myself and a van or car full of kids) have gone for drives with the sole intention of "getting lost". To this day, though they are all teens, they still hop into the car asking "can we please go get lost?"
Why? It's an adventure. We discover new places, new people and new things. It is our version of exploring. There are certain illnesses that I deal with and so many a time our hike is a drive. We have just as much fun, and yes we get out to enjoy the fresh air. We walk too, just shorter distances than what you might call a hike.
The other day, my niece somehow lucked into being the only kid in the car. When we picked Uncle Bob up after work she says “I don’t want to go home.”
He asks (duh) “where do you want to go?”
She answers “let’s drive Auntie Shelley to the top of a mountain,” and so he does. Up Mount Prevost we drove.
Now there’s something you should know about me. I’m a city girl. Born and raised in Montreal. Narrow twisty turny logging roads…not so much my thing. Don’t get me wrong. I want to see the view. I want to take pictures but I’m a nervous wreck all the way up.
She’s counting on it. She know me well enough that she requested this specific adventure because there is going to be some comic relief for her to enjoy. She’s more interested in my reactions while we’re driving than the drive or the destination. She isn’t wrong, I deliver and she giggles pretty much all the way up and all the way down Mount Prevost.
It’s like this, when I’m on a road with signs saying we’re driving at our own risk, I’m freaking out. Not loudly (well maybe sometimes) but freaking out none the less. My niece and husband sure enjoyed the show.
Anyway, enough about me. Let’s talk about the beauty that is Mount Prevost and the spectacular views. Wow! It was so worth the drive. I hear tell it’s a great place to hike. I can see why. It felt like I could simply reach out and touch the clouds. The trees are majestic. It is peaceful and serene. A great place to look out at the world, and think.
Pictures, so many views to capture. Nature, so much to admire. Sounds, silence except for the birds, frogs and crickets.
This is an adventure I will remember always.
Mount Prevost