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Places to Stay in Courtenay BC

Courtenay accommodations in the Comox Valley

Courtenay British Columbia places to stay in the Comox Valley

Below is some information of some of the places to stay in Courtenay BC Canada. Courtenay accommodations in the Comox Valley include resorts, hotels, motels, bed and breakfasts (BBC), cottages, cabins, inns, vacation homes, resorts, hostels and campgrounds. When selecting your places to stay in Courtenay BC make sure to ask all the right questions based on your needs and wants. 

Enjoy our places to stay in Courtenay, BC!

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What You Should Know About Courtenay BC Accommodations

When it comes to pricing your place to stay in Courtenay or throughout the Comox Valley, the best pricing and services often comes when dealing directly with Courtenay, British Columbia accommodations and/or campgrounds. connects you directly with travel and adventure businesses, no middle man. Our FAIR PRICE ACCOMMODATION GUARANTEE frees up more of your hard earned dollars so you can stay an extra day or two in Courtenay visiting with more attractions and shopping with more community businesses.

If you require some assistance when planning your places to stay in Courtenay BC we have a Tourism Ambassador online to assist you. Just contact us.

Places to stay in Courtenay BC Canada

Courtenay accommodations and surrounding places to stay in the Comox Valley



3679 Burns Rd.
V9W 1S2

9082 Clarkson Ave.
Black Creek
V9J 1B3

1885 Cliffe Ave
Explore British Columbia

Come Experience the Nicola Valley!