Places to Stay in Port McNeill, BC

Port McNeill, BC, Canada Featured Accommodations and Campgrounds

BC, Canada Accommodations Guide

Port McNeill, BC, Canada places to stay including resorts, hotels, motels, bed and breakfasts (BBC), cottages, cabins, inns, vacation homes, resorts, hostels and campgrounds. Plan your top places to stay and then book your British Columbia vacation accommodation.

Enjoy our places to stay in Port McNeill, BC!

accommodations canada places to stay 3

eh Tip for Booking Port McNeill, BC Accommodations

Best pricing and services often comes with dealing directly with Port McNeill, British Columbia accommodations and/or campgrounds. connects you directly with accommodation businesses, no middle man. Our FAIR PRICE GUARANTEE frees up more of your hard earned loonies and toonies (Canadian currency) so you can stay an extra day or two in Port McNeill visiting with more attractions, dining out with more restaurants and shopping with more community businesses.

If you require some assistance on places to stay we have a live Tourism Ambassador online to assist you in booking and planning your Port McNeill BC vacation. Click the Chat Button on our website or click here for travel assistance.

Places to stay in Port McNeill, BC, Canada

1003 Ocean Place
Port McNeill
V0N 2R0
The Haida Way Hotel in Port McNeill is located within walking distance of shopping, the harbour and the ferry terminal. We have our own full-service restaurant, lively pub and well-stocked liquor store.

1817 Campbell Way
Port McNeill
Handicap Access
Children Welcome
Private Bath
Pet Friendly
New stylish cedar accommodation with 40 well decorated guest rooms some with kitchenettes... all include free internet, deluxe continental breakfast, cable TV and ocean views. Enjoy our pool, hot tub, exercise room and spa services for adults only - Book early.

1812 Campbell Way
Port McNeill
V0N 2R0
Handicap Access
Private Bath
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