Lizard Lake - Port Renfrew, BC, Canada

Trail Length: 1.5 Kilometres
Difficulty: Easy - Family
Park Amenities:

Lizard Lake Nature Trail is a BC Forest Recreation Site ideal for wilderness camping, hiking, mountain biking, picnicking, sightseeing, and wildlife watching.
Lizard Lake is located on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada near the community of Port Renfrew, BC. Lizard Lake is a small lake and stands at an elevation of 298 feet.
The lake is best named for its large population of salamanders. The wet forest floor, the moss, ferns and salal - along with cedar and fir trees - creates an ideal environment for the salamanders to thrive.
Lizard Lake is blessed with a large 80 -100 foot boardwalk pier extending out on to the lake. On any given day people can fish, swim and launch canoes from the pier.
For those who prefer to stay on shore there is a large sandy beach, and wilderness campsite. Some campsites are drive in sites and some are walk in sites. All include picnic tables and fire pits. There are pit toilets in the park.
The Lizard Lake hiking trail is a lopp trail which measures 1.5 kilometres. Watch your footing as it can get slippery.
Most who fish the area arrive at Lizard Lake from April to June and some come in October. All come to catch rainbow trout. There is a roof top boat launch in the park. Fishing on Vancouver Island and British Columbia requires a licence.