Port Renfrew, BC Parks, Trails and Places

British Columbia Things To Do

Best Parks & Trails in Canada

Best Port Renfrew, British Columbia parks, trails and places explored, documented, photographed, and published by participating Canadian Travel Influencers. Come explore any one of our Port Renfrew, British Columbia, Canada adventure and activity destinations today.

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Best Parks, Trails and Places In Port Renfrew, BC, Canada

Nitinat River Provincial Park is a another one of those classic rugged wilderness parks we so enjoy. This park is located near the community of Lake Cowichan, Port Alberni and Port Renfrew, BC on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. The main features of this wilderness park are the Nitinat
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Nitinat Main
Lake Cowichan
Carmanah Walbran Provincial Park is a remote and wilderness park accessed from the communities of Lake Cowichan, Port Renfrew and Port Alberni, BC on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. The provincial park is one of the oldest protected parks on Vancouver Island. The park is divided into
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Rosander Main
Lake Cowichan
keha_bay_beach 008
The Pacific Rim National Park is located on the west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. The park is world renown for its remote sandy beaches, wilderness camping opportunities, kayaking, hiking and backpacking,
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Port Renfrew, Bamfield
Botanical Beach is a marine research laboratory for the young. There are tidal pools filled with life at low tides that reveal a whole new world. The beach and pools are located on the westcoast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada in the small Village of Port Renfrew, BC.
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Cerantes Road
Port Renfrew
Fairy Lake is most famous for the lonely fir tree surviving in the middle of the lake. Many photos have been taken of this little guy making a go of it under tough conditions. The lone twisted tree poking out of the lake perched on a sunken log makes for a great photo.
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Harris Main FSR
Port Renfrew
John Quinn Trail is a semi-historic logging trail located near the Village of Port Renfrew, BC on the westcoast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. The John Quinn hiking trail is 4 kilometres long and is considered an easy route. It should take no longer than 2 hours to complete.
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West Coast Road
Port Renfrew
China Beach is part of the Juan de Fuca Provincial Park located near Sooke BC on Vancouver Island Canada. The beach is a day use area, a campground and the eastern trailhead to the Juan de Fuca Marine Trail.
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The West Coast Trail (WCT) is one of Canada's most famous multi-day backpacking and wilderness camping hiking trails. It is located in the world famous Pacific Rim National Park on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. The trail measures over 74 kilometres long...
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Bamfield, Port Renfrew
French Beach Provincial Park is situated south of Port Renfrew, BC and just north of Sooke, BC on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. The 59 hectare French Beach Provincial Park was established in 1974 in honor of an early pioneer who lived in the region named James French.
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Highway 14
Sooke, Port Renfrew
Juan de Fuca Provincial Park is located near the community of Port Renfrew and north of the community of Sooke on the west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. The rainforest and waterfront park is 1,528 hectares of forested hiking trails, rocky cliffs and sandy beaches.
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Highway 14
Sooke, Port Renfrew
Lizard Lake Nature Trail is a BC Forest Recreation Site ideal for wilderness camping, hiking, mountain biking, picnicking, sightseeing, and wildlife watching.
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Harris Creek Main FSR (Forest Service Road)
Port Renfrew
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