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Canada Mountain Biking Season
Canada mountain biking is a year round activity in many communities on the west coast of Canada. However, in general, the peak mountain biking season in Canada runs from May to September. Some communities have developed mountain biking parks and some ski mountains transform into mountain bike parks in the summer. Many biking communities support bike repair shops, biking events and bike clubs.
Backcountry Biking
For many riders, mountain biking is best enjoyed in the wilderness regions of the country following recreation trails, spur roads and gravel access roads. However, in Canada, many mountain biking trails are shared routes with hikers, backpackers, horseback riders and atvs. Consequently, when travelling on gravel access roads on your way to staging areas (trailheads) please watch for large vehicles and 4x4s.
Mountain Bike Resorts
During the summer months many of the ski hills transform themselves into mountain bike resorts. The ski runs become downhill mountain biking trails. The chair lifts carry mountain bikes and riders instead of skiers and snowboarders. Bring your own bike if you have one. If not, mountain bike rentals are available on most ski hills and in many of the medium to large mountain biking communities in Canada.
Mountain Bike Tours
Canada mountain biking tour groups operate in a few regions in Canada. Most of them are found near the very popular mountain biking destinations. Tour groups include a guide, bike, lessons, body armour and meals if necessary. Tours and guides are good for beginners and intermediate mountain bikers as they usually include detailed lessons with lots of instruction.
Canada Mountain Biking Adventures
Some Canada Mountain Biking Tips
always wear a helmet.
- bring sunglasses and sun screen.
- pack bug repellant.
- if renting a bike you should practice shifting gears prior to heading out on the
- look ahead while riding not down so you can see rocks and obstacles.
- rentals available at most major communities.
- mountain bike tour companies provide equipment, guides and
- always lock vehicle in parking lot while mountain biking
- bike stores are a good source for mountain biking advice.
- walk bike if you are not sure on your skills for challenging sections.
- always lock your mountain bike when unattended.
- dress in layers as weather changes quickly out on the trails.
- wear bright colors so you are easily identifiable.
- do not litter on the water.
- mountain bike trails are sometimes shared with hikers and horseback riders.