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North Ontario (of bears, moose, blackfly attacks and an outdoor bathtub)

By Erlendur in Canada 1501 views 24th Feb, 2021 Video Duration: N/A
10 to 16 July: First Ontarian settlement was the small town of Cochrane. All of a sudden people spoke English again, which after over six weeks in Québec took a little to get used to again, hehe.
After the city of Timmins I could have gone straight West towards Wawa, BUT two Ontarian Brothers I met on Gaspésie told me, I should go around the whole Canadian shoreline of Lake Superior, I would not regret it.
So it came that I went South instead, on the HWYs 101 and 129 all the way to Thessalon. A detour for sure, but HWY 129 is beautiful to ride and the small isolated towns of Foleyet and Chapleau worth a visit as well.
There was quite some wildlife along my way - big birds, moose, bears, millions of blackflies and mozzies. The latter count as wildlife, too, right?

At the shore of Lake Huron I reached the Waterfront Trail again and met a wonderful couple, who did everything to make me feel comfortable, from a bath in their outdoor bathtub, to wine and food. Amazing. Thank you, guys!

Link to the overview map of my route:

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