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Join us at Fort Whoop-Up to celebrate the holidays. Make a Christmas craft, collect a hand-forged trinket from the black...
Join us at Fort Whoop-Up to celebrate the holidays. Make a Christmas craft, collect a hand-forged trinket from the blacksmith, have a yummy Christmas treat, and meet Santa Claus himself.

10–4 pm | all ages | registration required | fort admission applies $10.50 | free to annual pass holders

200 Indian Battle Road South Lethbridge, AB, Canada 
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    Christmas at the Fort - Lethbridge

    Join us at Fort Whoop-Up to celebrate the holidays. Make a Christmas craft, collect a hand-forged trinket from the blacksmith, have a yummy Christmas treat, and meet Santa Claus himself.

    10–4 pm | all ages | registration required | fort admission applies $10.50 | free to annual pass holders
    Join us at Fort Whoop-Up to celebrate the holidays. Make a Christmas craft, collect a hand-forged trinket from the blacksmith, have a yummy Christmas treat, and meet Santa Claus himself.

    10–4 pm | all ages | registration required | fort admission applies $10.50 | free to annual pass holders

    200 Indian Battle Road South Lethbridge, AB, Canada 
    18th Dec, 2021 10:00AM - America/Edmonton
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