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Event Information
Event Title:
The 4th Street Lilac Festival Calgary
Event Date / Time:

5th Jun, 2022 12:00AM


5th Jun, 2022 11:59PM

Event Description:
This free one-day event is the start-up to Calgary's vibrant festival season and encourages everyone to shake off their winter blues and reintroduce themselves to the thriving creative community in our city.

Each spring, thousands of attendees come out to enjoy the unique and pedestrian-friendly 4th Street venue, offering an array of musical talent, artisan vendors, quality entertainment, and some perfect people-watching.

At the Lilac Festival, there is an activity made for all ages. This could mean a jump in the bouncer for the kids, discovering a great new band, choosing a perfect summer patio, or searching for a trendy fashion; there is no shortage of things happening.

The 4th Street Festival Society works diligently to provide an ideal environment for new and emerging local musicians to showcase their talents. There are six stages hosting over 30 performances throughout the day, offering artists exposure to an often brand new audience.

4th Street is host to over 500 vendors that vary from artisan crafts to imported wares, to community organizations and more!
13 Ave SW, Calgary, AB, Canada
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