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Hillside Festival

The Hillside Summer Festival and Hillside Inside are three-day, multi-stage events with a broad artistic vision that emp...
The Hillside Summer Festival and Hillside Inside are three-day, multi-stage events with a broad artistic vision that emphasizes diversity: Culture, Musical heritage and style, geography, and influence.
Set in a beautiful, accessible conservation area with campgrounds on Guelph Lake, this summer festival is world-renowned as one of Canada’s most progressive, environmentally conscious, completely non-commercial community celebrations. We create a village on Guelph Lake Island that will fill with music, dance, drumming, food, crafts, and more.

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  •   Janel Coe commented on this post about 2 years ago
    Cary Horning created a new event

    Hillside Festival

    The Hillside Summer Festival and Hillside Inside are three-day, multi-stage events with a broad artistic vision that emphasizes diversity: Culture, Musical heritage and style, geography, and influence.
    Set in a beautiful, accessible conservation area with campgrounds on Guelph Lake, this summer ...
    The Hillside Summer Festival and Hillside Inside are three-day, multi-stage events with a broad artistic vision that emphasizes diversity: Culture, Musical heritage and style, geography, and influence.
    Set in a beautiful, accessible conservation area with campgrounds on Guelph Lake, this summer festival is world-renowned as one of Canada’s most progressive, environmentally conscious, completely non-commercial community celebrations. We create a village on Guelph Lake Island that will fill with music, dance, drumming, food, crafts, and more.

    22nd Jul, 2022 9:00AM - America/Toronto
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