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If you are a boat lover you will need to be at Victoria's Inner Harbour for the September long weekend as the Classic Bo...
If you are a boat lover you will need to be at Victoria's Inner Harbour for the September long weekend as the Classic Boat Festival returns for 2022. The festival brings together one of the largest collections of classic boats in the Pacific Northwest, over 100 boats! The festival has been running for over 40 years.

Tour the boats and cheer on your favorite as they compete in sailing races, enjoy local food, live entertainment, music, demonstrations, displays and other family-friendly events.

Admission: by donation ($5 suggested)

So come out and celebrate BC's maritime heritage proudly hosted by the Maritime Museum of BC.
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    Victoria Classic Boat Festival

    If you are a boat lover you will need to be at Victoria's Inner Harbour for the September long weekend as the Classic Boat Festival returns for 2022. The festival brings together one of the largest collections of classic boats in the Pacific Northwest, over 100 boats! The festival has been runnin...
    If you are a boat lover you will need to be at Victoria's Inner Harbour for the September long weekend as the Classic Boat Festival returns for 2022. The festival brings together one of the largest collections of classic boats in the Pacific Northwest, over 100 boats! The festival has been running for over 40 years.

    Tour the boats and cheer on your favorite as they compete in sailing races, enjoy local food, live entertainment, music, demonstrations, displays and other family-friendly events.

    Admission: by donation ($5 suggested)

    So come out and celebrate BC's maritime heritage proudly hosted by the Maritime Museum of BC.
    2nd Sep, 2022 8:00AM - UTC
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  • Kim Kenyon updated the picture of the event
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  • Kim Kenyon updated the cover picture of the event
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