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Over the years, this event has been able to bring thousands of people together in Toronto. The major highlights of the g...
Over the years, this event has been able to bring thousands of people together in Toronto. The major highlights of the grand event will be the exhibition of Nepalese arts and crafts, live performance of Nepalese music and dance by famous Nepalese artists from the Greater Toronto Area and beyond, taste of Nepalese foods, and dissemination of information about the Nepalese world heritage sites.
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    Himalaya Mela Nepali Festival

    Over the years, this event has been able to bring thousands of people together in Toronto. The major highlights of the grand event will be the exhibition of Nepalese arts and crafts, live performance of Nepalese music and dance by famous Nepalese artists from the Greater Toronto Area and beyond, ...
    Over the years, this event has been able to bring thousands of people together in Toronto. The major highlights of the grand event will be the exhibition of Nepalese arts and crafts, live performance of Nepalese music and dance by famous Nepalese artists from the Greater Toronto Area and beyond, taste of Nepalese foods, and dissemination of information about the Nepalese world heritage sites.
    18th Sep, 2022 2:00PM - America/Toronto
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