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The Teulon Pumpkinfest doors open at 8:30 am and close at 4 pm. Wristbands are $5 per person or $20 for a family to a m...
The Teulon Pumpkinfest doors open at 8:30 am and close at 4 pm.
Wristbands are $5 per person or $20 for a family to a maximum of 6 people. Toddlers 2 and under are FREE.
A favorite at Pumpkinfest is always the petting zoo! Ricklyn Farms is returning with all their cute farm animals you can pet and give treats to.

MB Hydro - Inside Stage
8:30-9:30am // Ag Fair Registration

9-10:30am // Pancake Breakfast

10:30 // Mark Morriseau fiddle band

12:00// Summer Bear Dance Troupe

1:00// Rossdale Ukrainian Dancers

1:15pm // Baby Contest

2:00 pm // Growing a Gigantic Pumpkin presentation by Milan Lukes

3 pm // Teakle Family Circus

8:30-9:30am // Ag Fair Registration

9-10:30am // Pancake Breakfast

10:30 // Mark Morriseau fiddle band

12:00// Summer Bear Dance Troupe

1:00// Rossdale Ukrainian Dancers

1:15pm // Baby Contest Entry form PDF

2:00 pm // Growing a Gigantic Pumpkin presentation by Milan Lukes

3 pm // Teakle Family Circus


Lions Canteen

Fall Family Photos by Sweet N Wild Images

Pumpkin Carver

Silent Auction

Farmer's Market

South Lot - Grandstand
10:30 // Largest Pumpkin Weigh-Off

Farmer's Market (wristband not required)

Petting Zoo

Big Games

Food Trucks

Access C.U. Activity Tent
0am-2pm // Crafts & Face Painter
10am - 1 // Old Fashioned & Carnival Games
10-3 // Lions Train
11 am / Xtreme Dogs Agility Show
1:00pm // Pie Eating Contest
2:30 // Make & Take
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  •   Sarah Stewart commented on this post about 2 years ago
    Cary Horning created a new event

    Teulon Pumpkinfest 2022, Teulon, Manitoba

    The Teulon Pumpkinfest doors open at 8:30 am and close at 4 pm.
    Wristbands are $5 per person or $20 for a family to a maximum of 6 people. Toddlers 2 and under are FREE.
    A favorite at Pumpkinfest is always the petting zoo! Ricklyn Farms is returning with all their cute farm animals you can pet...
    The Teulon Pumpkinfest doors open at 8:30 am and close at 4 pm.
    Wristbands are $5 per person or $20 for a family to a maximum of 6 people. Toddlers 2 and under are FREE.
    A favorite at Pumpkinfest is always the petting zoo! Ricklyn Farms is returning with all their cute farm animals you can pet and give treats to.

    MB Hydro - Inside Stage
    8:30-9:30am // Ag Fair Registration

    9-10:30am // Pancake Breakfast

    10:30 // Mark Morriseau fiddle band

    12:00// Summer Bear Dance Troupe

    1:00// Rossdale Ukrainian Dancers

    1:15pm // Baby Contest

    2:00 pm // Growing a Gigantic Pumpkin presentation by Milan Lukes

    3 pm // Teakle Family Circus

    8:30-9:30am // Ag Fair Registration

    9-10:30am // Pancake Breakfast

    10:30 // Mark Morriseau fiddle band

    12:00// Summer Bear Dance Troupe

    1:00// Rossdale Ukrainian Dancers

    1:15pm // Baby Contest Entry form PDF

    2:00 pm // Growing a Gigantic Pumpkin presentation by Milan Lukes

    3 pm // Teakle Family Circus


    Lions Canteen

    Fall Family Photos by Sweet N Wild Images

    Pumpkin Carver

    Silent Auction

    Farmer's Market

    South Lot - Grandstand
    10:30 // Largest Pumpkin Weigh-Off

    Farmer's Market (wristband not required)

    Petting Zoo

    Big Games

    Food Trucks

    Access C.U. Activity Tent
    0am-2pm // Crafts & Face Painter
    10am - 1 // Old Fashioned & Carnival Games
    10-3 // Lions Train
    11 am / Xtreme Dogs Agility Show
    1:00pm // Pie Eating Contest
    2:30 // Make & Take
    17th Sep, 2022 9:00AM - America/Winnipeg
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