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This is the second annual Vancouver International Black Film Festival (VIBFF), the inaugural event was held virtually la...
This is the second annual Vancouver International Black Film Festival (VIBFF), the inaugural event was held virtually last year in Vancouver, British Columbia. VIBFF is affiliated with the Black Film Festivals held in Montreal, Toronto, Halifax, Ottawa and Calgary. This year will also have a virtual option, but as well, there is hint on the website of venues being explored, and this is exciting!

More information on the 2022 festival to come!

Last year the all-access pass was $39 to see all films online. Festival passes are available from the website and the access link and viewing platform are sent along with the festival pass upon payment. The films can be viewed from anywhere in Canada.

Additionally, there are lots of opportunities to contribute, volunteer, submit a film, and get involved!

One of this year's films, "Being Black in Halifax" is the winner of best direction in a documentary series won at the 2022 Canadian Screen Awards as part of Fabienne Colas Foundation's Being Black in Canada Program.
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    Vancouver International Black Film Festival

    This is the second annual Vancouver International Black Film Festival (VIBFF), the inaugural event was held virtually last year in Vancouver, British Columbia. VIBFF is affiliated with the Black Film Festivals held in Montreal, Toronto, Halifax, Ottawa and Calgary. This year will also have a virt...
    This is the second annual Vancouver International Black Film Festival (VIBFF), the inaugural event was held virtually last year in Vancouver, British Columbia. VIBFF is affiliated with the Black Film Festivals held in Montreal, Toronto, Halifax, Ottawa and Calgary. This year will also have a virtual option, but as well, there is hint on the website of venues being explored, and this is exciting!

    More information on the 2022 festival to come!

    Last year the all-access pass was $39 to see all films online. Festival passes are available from the website and the access link and viewing platform are sent along with the festival pass upon payment. The films can be viewed from anywhere in Canada.

    Additionally, there are lots of opportunities to contribute, volunteer, submit a film, and get involved!

    One of this year's films, "Being Black in Halifax" is the winner of best direction in a documentary series won at the 2022 Canadian Screen Awards as part of Fabienne Colas Foundation's Being Black in Canada Program.
    16th Dec, 2022 12:00AM - UTC
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