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Winterlit at Mountsberg Conservation Area, Campbellville Ontario

Had a lovely evening at Winterlit, hosted by Mountsberg Conservation Area. Was magical walking through the forest, under the stars and twinkling lights. Had hot cocoa and cookies in front of a fire to warm up.

Winterlit is on from December 28,...
Had a lovely evening at Winterlit, hosted by Mountsberg Conservation Area. Was magical walking through the forest, under the stars and twinkling lights. Had hot cocoa and cookies in front of a fire to warm up.

Winterlit is on from December 28, 2022 – February 20, 2023, Thursday – Sunday Evenings

31 December 2022 at   Mountsberg Conservation Area - Reservations Required, 2259 Milburough Town Line, Campbellville, ON L0P 1B0, Canada
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