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The IMAX Victoria Film Festival returns for 2023 and will showcase three feature length documentaries and a brand-new IM...
The IMAX Victoria Film Festival returns for 2023 and will showcase three feature length documentaries and a brand-new IMAX film. Returning will also be four fan favourite documentaries, the films are as follows:

* Animal Kingdom (2D & 3D) - returning fan favourite
* Superpower Dogs (2D & 3D) - returning fan favourite
* Hidden Universe (2D & 3D) - returning fan favourite
* Oceans: Our Blue Planet (2D & 3D) - returning fan favourite
* The Scattering of Man - feature length - new
* Haida Modern - feature length - new
* Unarchived - feature length - new
* Beavers, the biggest dam move you ever saw - brand new IMAX film

Each of these documentary films will transport you to wondrous places with breathtaking cinematography that can only be experienced on the Giant Screen. They are here for three weeks only!

The Film Festival Pass is $49. Purchase and redeem this pass at the box office for up to a total of eight IMAX Victoria Film festival tickets. (Does not include Hollywood Features). Please note the Film Festival Pass is non-refundable and cannot be upgraded to an annual pass.

The BEST VALUE is the IMAX Victoria Annual Pass $59. As an annual passholder, you can watch all eight film festival documentaries at no additional cost, and you'll benefit from amazing perks including unlimited IMAX films and discounted Hollywood features for 12 months, invitations to exclusive passholder-only events, and reciprocal discounts at local attractions.

Single tickets are also available at the regular rate. ($11.95 Adult, $10.25 Senior and Youth, $10.75 Student, $5.40 Child age 5 and under. Additional $1 surcharge applied for 3D films.)

The annual pass and single tickets are also available to purchase from the website below. The website includes a print friendly schedule of when each of the films will be showing.
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    IMAX Victoria Film Festival Victoria BC

    The IMAX Victoria Film Festival returns for 2023 and will showcase three feature length documentaries and a brand-new IMAX film. Returning will also be four fan favourite documentaries, the films are as follows:

    * Animal Kingdom (2D & 3D) - returning fan favourite
    * Superpower Dogs (2D & 3D) ...
    The IMAX Victoria Film Festival returns for 2023 and will showcase three feature length documentaries and a brand-new IMAX film. Returning will also be four fan favourite documentaries, the films are as follows:

    * Animal Kingdom (2D & 3D) - returning fan favourite
    * Superpower Dogs (2D & 3D) - returning fan favourite
    * Hidden Universe (2D & 3D) - returning fan favourite
    * Oceans: Our Blue Planet (2D & 3D) - returning fan favourite
    * The Scattering of Man - feature length - new
    * Haida Modern - feature length - new
    * Unarchived - feature length - new
    * Beavers, the biggest dam move you ever saw - brand new IMAX film

    Each of these documentary films will transport you to wondrous places with breathtaking cinematography that can only be experienced on the Giant Screen. They are here for three weeks only!

    The Film Festival Pass is $49. Purchase and redeem this pass at the box office for up to a total of eight IMAX Victoria Film festival tickets. (Does not include Hollywood Features). Please note the Film Festival Pass is non-refundable and cannot be upgraded to an annual pass.

    The BEST VALUE is the IMAX Victoria Annual Pass $59. As an annual passholder, you can watch all eight film festival documentaries at no additional cost, and you'll benefit from amazing perks including unlimited IMAX films and discounted Hollywood features for 12 months, invitations to exclusive passholder-only events, and reciprocal discounts at local attractions.

    Single tickets are also available at the regular rate. ($11.95 Adult, $10.25 Senior and Youth, $10.75 Student, $5.40 Child age 5 and under. Additional $1 surcharge applied for 3D films.)

    The annual pass and single tickets are also available to purchase from the website below. The website includes a print friendly schedule of when each of the films will be showing.
    3rd Mar, 2023 12:00PM - UTC
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