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The Toronto Beaches Lions Easter Parade is BACK on Sunday, April 9th, 2023! This is the largest and longest running Eas...
The Toronto Beaches Lions Easter Parade is BACK on Sunday, April 9th, 2023! This is the largest and longest running Easter Parade in the world!

Started back in 1967 the route was along the boardwalk. In 1974, due to its increasing popularity, the parade was moved to it's current route location on Queen Street East.

The Parade begins at 2:00 pm sharp and runs for approximately two hours. Come down and help bring the Easter spirit to life with 50,000 other spectators!

Starting on Queen Street at Munro Park and proceeding west along Queen Street ending at Woodbine Ave. Pick your spot and enjoy a lovely afternoon at The Beaches 2023 Toronto Easter Parade!

Happy Easter Canada!!
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    Beaches Easter Parade Toronto 2023

    The Toronto Beaches Lions Easter Parade is BACK on Sunday, April 9th, 2023! This is the largest and longest running Easter Parade in the world!

    Started back in 1967 the route was along the boardwalk. In 1974, due to its increasing popularity, the parade was moved to it's current route locatio...
    The Toronto Beaches Lions Easter Parade is BACK on Sunday, April 9th, 2023! This is the largest and longest running Easter Parade in the world!

    Started back in 1967 the route was along the boardwalk. In 1974, due to its increasing popularity, the parade was moved to it's current route location on Queen Street East.

    The Parade begins at 2:00 pm sharp and runs for approximately two hours. Come down and help bring the Easter spirit to life with 50,000 other spectators!

    Starting on Queen Street at Munro Park and proceeding west along Queen Street ending at Woodbine Ave. Pick your spot and enjoy a lovely afternoon at The Beaches 2023 Toronto Easter Parade!

    Happy Easter Canada!!
    9th Apr, 2023 2:00PM - America/Toronto
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