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The annual FREE TD Salsa on St. Clair Street Festival takes over midtown Toronto transforming a stretch of St. Clair Ave...
The annual FREE TD Salsa on St. Clair Street Festival takes over midtown Toronto transforming a stretch of St. Clair Avenue West (from Winona Dr. to Christie St.) into Canada’s biggest salsa party featuring an international calibre of Latin music, non-stop dancing in the streets, Latin foods and fun for the entire family! What started as a local two-day event in 2005, has grown into a nationally recognized annual celebration that attracts hundreds of thousands of salsa lovers from near and far.
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  •   Diana Mohrsen commented on this post about 1 year ago
    Janel Coe created a new event

    Salsa on St. Clair 2023 in Toronto, Canada

    The annual FREE TD Salsa on St. Clair Street Festival takes over midtown Toronto transforming a stretch of St. Clair Avenue West (from Winona Dr. to Christie St.) into Canada’s biggest salsa party featuring an international calibre of Latin music, non-stop dancing in the streets, Latin foods and ...
    The annual FREE TD Salsa on St. Clair Street Festival takes over midtown Toronto transforming a stretch of St. Clair Avenue West (from Winona Dr. to Christie St.) into Canada’s biggest salsa party featuring an international calibre of Latin music, non-stop dancing in the streets, Latin foods and fun for the entire family! What started as a local two-day event in 2005, has grown into a nationally recognized annual celebration that attracts hundreds of thousands of salsa lovers from near and far.
    8th Jul, 2023 12:00PM - America/Toronto
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