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Event Information
Event Title:
Event Date / Time:
Event Description:
The 2023 Blueberry Music Festival is 3 days of incredible Bluegrass music in Stony Plain, Alberta, Canada from Friday, August 4th to Sunday, August 6th at Heritage Park.

*AJ Lee Blue Summit *Becky Buller Band *Chris Jones & The Night Drivers *Bill & The Bells *Jesse & The Gents *Stewart MacDougall *Magnus WIIK *John Wort Hannam *River City Playboys *Passin Through and MORE!

Family Fun Zone
*Petting Zoo * Make your own Mop Pony *Paint a Birdhouse *Lawn Games *Mini Golf

UKULELE WORKSHOP - 90-minute Saturday morning workshop is intended for beginner to intermediate players.
FIDDLE WORKSHOP - There is a fiddle workshop on both Saturday and Sunday afternoons.
Other Workshops - times to be announced
*Guitar *Swing Guitar *Mandolin *Dobro *Banjo *Bass

RESERVED CAMPING - $100 Flat Rate - Book your site and arrive anytime between Thursday and Sunday.
WITHOUT A RESERVATION - $30 per night.
There is rough camping (no services) at the festival site.
All sites are just a few minutes from the stages.
Jamming is permitted in the campgrounds.
Pets must remain at their campsites. Pets are not permitted on the festival site.
Tent Camping:
Grassed area to set up a tent in the heart of the festival.
You will have access to picnic tables, water, indoor bathrooms (restricted hours), and outdoor toilets.
No open fires.
16 years and under FREE when accompanied by an adult
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